Jada's First Day

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Jada's POV:

We got to school 10 minutes before the bell rung. Janelle and I went our separate ways so we would be to class on time. I went to the water fountain then headed to first period. For first period I had Mr. Alsina. I got to his class pretty early and took a seat near the back of the room. I started getting my supplies together then all of a sudden a familiar voice whispered "Wassup" in my ear. At first I was agitated because their breath was hot. It nearly burned my ear off. But then I turned around and saw Emmanuel behind me. Then I replied "gas prices", to his question. " Why can't you just give me a normal reply like everybody else?" ,he laughed. "Well because I'm not like everybody else", I replied. "Interesting", he said. At that moment the bell rung and Emmanuel took his seat. Mr. Alsina gave us our assignment which was to get to know each other. So we went around the room, stating our names and what we like to do. Everybody in the class went then it was my turn. I was kinda nervous then some boy named Jacob yelled "Hey cutie". Which made me more nervous but I did it anyway. "Hey y'all. My name is Jada and I like to sing", I said. Mr. Alsina made me sing a song for the class. I didn't really like being put on the spot like that but I sung so my classmates won't feel "some type of way". I sung Treat Me Like Somebody by Tink and in my opinion I nailed it. Everyone was applauding me so I took a bow and sat down with the biggest smile on my face. There Were five minutes left until the bell rang so I packed up my belongings and stood by the door. Mr. Alsina and 9 other classmates complimented me on my singing. Then the bell rang for 2nd period.

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