Janelle's First Day

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Janelle's POV:

First period I had Mr. Brown. Hayes was supposed to be in that class but he texted me saying he was running late. I sat in the front and waited for the teacher to start class. We didn't really do anything. We just went over classroom rules. I was sitting by a girl name Alexis. She was super sweet so I figured that we'd become friends eventually. Alexis and I started to talk about the last episode of Bad Girls Club then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a tall Mexican looking guy. He had gold teeth, tattoos all over his body, and smelled strongly of weed. "Can I have your jersey?", he asked." What's that" , I replied. " Your name and your number ", he said. "Sorry I'm taken", I said." I can changed that" he replied. The next thing he i know he was leaning in to kiss me so I punched him in the stomach. "You'll regret that",he said.I replied with "Whatever", and continued my conversation with Alexis. We talked for another 15 minutes until the bell rang. When I was headed to 2nd period someone started tugging me on my shirt and dragged me to the back of the school.I was yelling"Let me go", at the top of my lungs but no one seemed to hear me. I was trying to fight them off but they were to strong. I knew it had to be a male. Once we came to a stop I looked back and saw who it was. It was............

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