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Glizzy POV
That BITCH Kayla really thought that I raped her and accusing me and shit. I mean I would had sex with her but I'm not a damn rapist, no matter how much people say it. I don't remember my damn self doing that. Anyways it's 11pm so I'm bout to hop in the shower and this girl bout to come over. He name's Monae, she bad as shit
Cody pulls up to Glizzy house and starts banging on the door.
Glizzy:Man who tf is it
Cody:Open the fucking door BITCH ass nigga
Glizzy:Oh... motherfucker
Glizzy grabs his Glock 47 and puts it in his pants. He then opens the door for Cody. Cody runs in and punches Glizzy right in the face.
Glizzy falls and then tries to get up
Cody punches him again and again and again. Glizzy is now spitting out blood.
Glizzy:WTF Man
Cody:You fucking raped my sister. Now i will fucking kill you
Glizzy reaches into his pants and pulls out his gun
Cody peeps the gun and tries to run to the door then out of nowhere

Kayla POV
I woke up with a pounding headache , my eyes were blurry and all I can we is bright lights and too many people talking.
Mom:Hey Baby,I'm here
Kayla:Where am I?
Mom:your in the hospital baby
Kayla:oh,my body hurts
Mom:I know baby, you have to eat breakfast and then you can't take your medicine
Doctor walks in
Doctor:Ok miss Kayla, here we have waffles and some scrambled eggs with some blueberry yogurt and orange juice.
Mom:mmmmmm smells good
Doctor:Ok here is your medicine.  Make sure you eat at least half of the plate before you take your medicine. Then I will be back around an hour later and we will do some physical therapy to get your legs working again   sweetie.
Kayla:ok Thank you
Doctor walks out
Kayla:Mom where's Cody
Mom:He walked out last night baby, I been calling him and calling him but no answer.
Kayla:*nervous* Ok
Mom:Oh by the way Yas called and she said that she will be up here later, now you eat your food

Back at Glizzys House
Cody:P-Please I need to get to the hospital
Glizzy:Nah nigga,  I told you if you tell anyone and or keep coming towards I will kill you and your sexy ass sister

Cody tries to crawl to the front door.
Glizzy:Y'all just thought that it was going to be smooth and easy and let's go tell the police and if not beat up Glizzy. WHO TF DO YOU THINK I AM?
Cody:P-Please I just need to g-get out of h-here
Glizzy:FUCK YOU!
Cody is now starting to bleed out
Cody:I-if you kill ME, i-if I d-die h-here you will go to j-jail.
Glizzy thinks for 5 mins
Glizzy:You right,you right
Glizzy opens the door and  Cody walks out but is walking in circles. He grabs the car door ,grabs his phone out and dials 911 but before he can even talk on the phone. He falls to the ground
911 operater:Hello, Excuse Me, Sir. Do you need help?
911:Sir an ambulance will be on your way

Back At The Hospital
Hour Later
Doctors are rushing and running while Cody is getting pulled in to the hospital.
Doctor: We have an 18 year old Africian American male , 6,0 who has been shot twice in the stomach and back area.
Kayla:Mom what is happening?
Mom:I Don't Know
Mom looks out the door and sees Cody on the gurny bleeding ,laying there.
Mom:O-OMG. *Mom starts crying*
Mom runs out the room and runs to Cody.
Doctor:Ma'am I'm going to need you to back away.
Mom:He is my son, What happened to him?😭
Doctor:He was shot twice and found unconscious in front of a Black SUV
Mom:Yes That's My Car
Doctor:Ma'am we are going to need to rush him into surgery,  you can wait in this room.
Kayla:Mommy!! *Kayla yells*
Mom:Uhhh my daughter is also here so I will be in this room please tell me when he gets out please!
Doctor walks away and rushes Cody to surgery
Kayla:Mommy what happened? Who as that . Where is Cody?
Mom:Kayla Baby, That was Cody someone shot him and the ambulance found him unconscious
Kayla starts crying
Kayla:Mommy Is He Ok? Who Did It? PLEASE TELL ME HE IS OK!
Mom:Yes baby he is fine and is in surgery now. I called your auntie and were going to go get some food and some clothes for you mama and I will be back soon as possible. Here is your phone call me when Cody gets out of surgery and if you need anything. Ok mama
Kayla:Yes mommy

Kayla drifts off into sleep
Random Person:Hello I am here to See  Kayla Bylon Johnson
Nurse:She is right in room 231. That's a cute teddy bear
Random Person:Thank you it's her favorite.
Person walks into the room and locks the door and Kayla feels them touching her and wake up.
Glizzy:Nope not your mommy but I can be your daddy.
Kayla is in shock and starts crying
Kayla:Get off of me,don't touch me!
Glizzy:Shut the fuck up, Calm Down.
Kayla:Calm Down. You hurt me
Glizzy:For the last time I didn't fucking hurt you
Glizzy:Ok I have a drinking problem
Kayla:Yea No shit
Glizzy:Who tf you think you talking to
Glizzy squeezes her arm
Glizzy:Who tf do you think you talking to?!
Kayla:No One Glizzy
Glizzy:Call me DADDY!
Glizzy laughs and then kisses Kayla on the forehead and walks out.
Kayla starts crying but then runs to the bathroom and throws up?

What do you think will happen next?
Is Cody going to be Ok?
Is Kayla going to tell who her little visitor was?

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