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"For the umpteenth time, you're not possessed, Ace." Liam says as we hang out in my room, which completely changed. The walls were repainted with a pastel green instead of the white it used to be. I must have ruined this room when I killed myself. I snap out of my nostalgia trance and look at Liam.

"But, explain that dream! She's in the hospital for being hit by a car, I freaking saw her get hit by a car. She was blaming me for killing her sister and for hiding it from her for a while even though I cannot remember that we talked before and then she was running and I was running and she was hit and.. it was so vivid. I feel like it's more of a memory than a dream. Because how sick and twisted my mind would be if it formulated a dream like this!" I say. Liam sighs in frustration and puts his head in his hands.

"Ace, you probably don't understand this well so let me explain it to you; you were in a coma for a fucking 4-month period, you just woke up 2 days ago and Ivy was hit 2 days ago, how in the name of God could you see her if you were in the hospital, fucking half-dead?" He says, almost shouts, to me. I raise my eyebrows at him before he shakes his head and sighs. "I am sorry, man, I am just stressed, she was my friend, you know? And her state doesn't seem like it could get any worse than it is." He adds quickly, looking at me apologetically. I nod with a small smile.

"Were you two close?" I ask. He looks at me, confused. "Ivy, I mean." I add. His mouth forms an 'o' and he nods slowly.

"Yeah, yeah, we got a bit close. She was the only one who tolerated me and my horoscopic shit and she needed help." He says before his eyes widen and he coughs. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What help?" I ask. Liam clears his throat, looking everywhere but my eyes.

"She just needed someone to talk to, you know? Her friends kind of drifted away from her so we got a bit closer." He says with a shrug. I nod at him absently.

"How was she?" I ask, glancing at him before adverting my gaze to my hands.

"She was really shy, but when you get to know her she's the best person you can talk to when you're in need. But, she's kind of tainted and I can tell her household isn't the best." He says with a sigh.

"Really?" I say. He nods apologetically and leans down to give me a hug. He pulls away after a few seconds before pulling away and looking at his wrist watch.

"I should probably go, it's already 10 pm. You look really tired so you should get some sleep, okay? I'll come pick you up tomorrow." He says, giving me another hug before gathering his stuff and getting out. I look around my room, feeling so out-of-place in this new room. I see my phone perched on a few books on the desk. I wheel myself over to it, grabbing it before wheeling myself to my bed, hoisting myself up on it and lying down. I turn it on, seeing it fully charged with floods upon floods of notifications in it. Opening Facebook, I see posts from almost everyone about me.

'OMG everyone, Ace Leighton killed himself? THE Ace Leighton?'

'The end of this world is near, like how Ace y'all? #whattheheckhappened?'

'Well, tbh you guys, he was a bit weird and shut off, so I don't really mind.'

'What a pussy? Suicide is for the weak!'

'Yo guys you do know he was abused right?'

'So? That means he left his fam to an abuser of some sort?'

I stopped reading after that one. I was about to close the app before a post catches my eyes.

'Y'all, Ivy FUCKING Green just went to the hospital, she was with some dude, drunk-driving and they got hit. Slut! Her mom just told my own mom y'all! #Ivyfreeschool'

What the actual fuck? I shut off my phone and close my eyes. What the hell did I do to Ivy? I turn to my side and sigh, feeling myself doze off.

'Ivy, punch her in the throat.' A voice said. Took me a few seconds to realize it's me. I see Ivy shift her eyes to me and then shift them towards a girl standing in front of her.

"Just do it and then sprint out of their way and we'll go to the car, okay?" I add. I see her take a deep breath and raise her right arm quickly and punch that girl in the throat. The girl screams as she falls, a few girls rushing to her. Ivy starts running out of what seems like a bathroom we're in, me following her, and heads to a double-door at the end of the hall we're running in. I can hear the girls running after us.

"You damned bitch! I am gonna teach you what happens when you mess with someone like me!" A girl screeched as we reach the front door of what seems like the school. We rush to a truck and Ivy struggles to get out her keys. I look to the doors we just came out of and see the 5 girls rushing to us.

"Um, they're coming, let's go, let's go, let's go." I say as the car unlocks and we both get in, heading anywhere. I hear one of the girls' frustrated screams as we rush out of the school's parking lot. Ivy continues driving with shaking hands before parking a few roads away from the school.

"Oh, my God! That was amazing! I have never ever done anything like that. Oh my. Thank you! Have you seen how I punched that bitch, damn, I feel proud of myself! Oh my god! Thank you so much, I love you." She says in a rush. She blushes deeply as she looks away while my eyes widen. I stop listening to what she was saying after those three words that my mind still can't register. Are you kidding me? Ivy just said she loves me!

"You love me?" I say with an awestruck expression. She nods and a full blown grin spreads over my face. She turns to me and I don't give her a chance to say a thing.

I just crash my lips to hers.

I gasp as I wake up, sitting up abruptly as I struggle to catch my breathing.

Either I am going insane and my mind is sick, or those are actual memories and I am just remembering them.

Did I actually kiss Ivy?

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