August 30th 2018

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Dear whoever is reading this

        .... so it's been a while hasn't it... its... been tough... when I mean that... I mean tough... especially sense school exists... and my beautiful babe lives so far away.

So... I've been becoming stressed, I've been having more anxiety, I've been even more emotional then last year... but part of it is knowing that most people are leaving me behind and I'll be alone... sad thing is.. I was gonna make it my big last year " *bleep* you school" type thing.. but its changing from how I don't talk to anyone out of school.

This is how my schedule is at school:

Spanish- I actually.. kinda talk to people.
English- Talk to someone who wants to talk to me rarely.
P.E.- Is slowly becoming alone even though it's only the beginning.
Science- Get to talk to two of my friends but mostly one.
Digital Art- To focused to talk to others really.
Math- The person I talked to really moved.
History- I get to talk to one person who doesn't get annoyed of me.

I know it may not be that bad at all.. but my family is starting to get annoyed of me.. same with most people in my school.. I'm slowly sinking into that deep hole that my babe just helped me out of.... and it hurts... it hurts alot.. and people I know.. don't pity me.. please writing this out is how bn I get it out.. and to help others bn know that they maybe in the same shoes as someone else... and to my babe... I believe in you.. try your best in everything, I'm here for you.  So don't worry about me. 



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