April 28th 2018

16 2 0

Dear whoever is reading this

I'm here at my friend's to make her smile and do something for a friend of ours. As we went out to take pictures walking around our naighborhood. We walk past a few people that she knew from school. We were walking back home when they started to laugh behind us fallowing us two on scooters one just walking. They start to pick up some big pieces mulch and threw it...at me and only me they were to scared to through it at my friend. They through it right in the middle of my back then my calf. Now you can leave and pretend my friend had protected me from these jerks. But if you continue, you'll probably say somthing good about yourself like "My friends would never do that, they would have protected me" or "I would of fought back" or even "they would of never done that to me". All she did was kept walking made a comment but that's it.
They basically chased me into her home and kept throwing the mulch at me. She fallowed right behind me. Once we got to her room she asked if I was okay I said yes..she kept asking and I kept saying yes when I was really just dieing in the inside. My self confidence just went away for good. You can't convince me I'm not the things I say about my self. All I wanted to do then was cry..and cry...and cry.. but I shouldn't..others have it worse... I mean my own best friend just went through a break up.. so I guess tears aren't needed from me. Now you can stop reading there is no need for you to be like, "It'll be okay" or etc. But will it really?


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