Chapter 1/ Dumbfounded

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Did that just happen?! No, I'm just dreaming right.

Percy did not just hook me and Nico up, Right!!!!

Ok there's only one thing I can do at this point.

.I quickly got dressed in the more punk rebel version of CHB t-shirts.It was an orange tube top  with a transparent tattooed glove with CHB  on it. I grabbed my pair of jeans that was speckled with black spray paint from the time the Stoll's dared me to to my worst to the Aphrodite cabin and my wore down combat boots.

I quickly did my hazel burnt hair into choppy braids and hilighted a chunk with those mood changing stuff.

when I was done I headed out. LOL,  I forgot my sword, Bloody Brilliant. 

Now time for mission impossible: Track down my brother, Percy Jackson.

I pummeled the first person I saw, Jason. He probably just went through the door way between Camp Jupiter and here.

(So y'all won't get confused, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter became friends and they made a magical doorway to each other's camp)

"Tell me, where's my brother!" I demanded as I sat on his chest sword drawn to the kneck.

"Gah, um I don't know. So please don't kill me,"he said startled. Oh that look on his face was golden.

"Don't play dumb with me Jason Grace, you know I  can read you like a book. "

"Fine, you got me. He's with Annabeth, Hazel, Piper, Leo, and Frank down by the beach-"

"Then what are you doing here, did Percy send you for me?"

"Oh I see now, you're playing hard to get family style. To answer your question though, he sent me to get drinks, snacks, and you."

"Did he give a reason why. Something tells me you guys are gonna pull a prank."


Oh hey breeze

Don't call me breeze ,seaweed brain

Don't call we seaweed brain


Fine , but are you coming or not


Tell Jason to bring the water balloons, Pepsi, mini pies, and  sling shots


Ok see ya


"Jason, Percy said to bring Pepsi, water balloons, mini pies, and sling shots."

"Great, now can you please get off me. We're starting to make a scene, "he said

Crud I didn't even notice people were forming a circle watching us. Mostly Aphrodite kids.

"Wait until Piper hears her boyfriend is cheating on her for Percy's sister,"one of them said

I stared at all of them dumbfounded and blushing like crazy until I got the message to get off of Jason. So I did, even helped the poor guy up.

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