Random Chapter:filler cuz I'm bored,:TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!!! =)

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Hi breezes! I am at home writing this cuz I em borrrrreeeeeeeeedddd.. ao I guess I'll do randkm interviews or truth or dare.....hmmm maybe interveiw then truth or dare...., yes that is bloody brilliant mates!!!!!!!No I am not Australian I am a proud Filipina okay I'll tell you guys more later in the interveiw but now. .......... ONWARDS TO STORY TIMEEEEEEE


   First interview with Leo 'flamin' hot ' Valdez(kill me now -.-)


  Leo:Did anyone call for boy extreme??!!

Me:I was hoping to do Octopus(Octavion) first...


Me:*rolls eyes* whatevs, first question....... from me me me me me me only me me me me me sexy me me............,.derp........... okay actual question....... Have you ever ran around camp on fire???


Me:*face palm* of course ermmm okay breezes,  I am getting bored of typing so in the italics it will be Me talking....And in th bold it would be-

Leo:us awesome characters talking

Me: and it starts now

Next question??

Ummmmm how is your singing

it's fair

Sing 'Burn' by Ellie Gourding



here are some of the lyrics

We, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing

'Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something

They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space

Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race





what am I that bad



*back round is on fire*

*holds breath and throws water spheres at back round*

*glares at Leo*

Okay byeeeeee Team Leo is out peace

*face palm*

Next we have ermmmmmmm eh I guess Octagon

It's Octavion!!!!!!!!!

Whatever first question do you support Rachtavian???

What in the name of Jupiter is that

meh you and Rachel

OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*leaves fuming*

Jeez crabby much well dearest reader comment on who I shall embarre- I mean question next while I think of dares and truths...... if you like to give me a suggestion comment okay peace out Breezes!!!!!!!!!


            -Mwah Seabreeze-Sky♥

Ps. Filler chappie cuz I got no inspiration.

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