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Important:My Bithday is On Monday.....I am a girl and I am turning 11.*angry wattpad team* *gulp. OKAY FINE I LIED ABOUT ME BEING 16 WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH ; ,,,,,,,,,,, ( SORRY THAT WOULD EXPLAIN THE MINITOUR DUNG, CRAPPY UPDATES I DO =B| I AM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE ME OUT NOW PLZ DONT SKIP. I AM in the Philippines on a freakin vacation. There is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO internet where I am staying at well my family =P. So yep. Also I got enrolled to two schools -________- *Leo:ITS A WHALE!!!!!!!* SHUT UP LEO IM TRYIN TO EXPLAIN.

Bad news: No internet


                    I wear (Hoover) Dam glasses B|

                    I have like 13,14 on going stories right now

                     I CANT GET  MY HANDS ON A DAM BLOOD OF OLYMPUS BOOK ;''''',,,,,,,(


Good news: My Birthday is comin soon

                     My teacher forced all 40 classmates of mine in GES GT(Gifted and talented XD IMA NERD) TO GIVE ONE PRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is all 

P.S if ypu want to delete this story you could and you can

P.P.S Please dont feel sorry for me cuz of my crappie writing


                            Yours Truly,

                                  Çæľå aka Şęąßŕəêže-Šky


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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