Chapter 4/ The Fight

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  Seabreeze's POV

Even when we got out out of the cabin,  people were still staring and Nico  was giving them death glares.That of course stopped when Drew stopped us in our tracks.

"Well well, it it isn't the camp's sweetheart itself, I see you've got a new boy toy,"she smirked

Ignored, that is until she pulled my hair and said,"Awww why are you running away, are you gonna cheat on him for your brother.Tis tis tis."

"Are you okay Breeze,"Nico said worriedly as he quickly laced his fingers around mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine,  besides, I need a workout, "I whispered into his ear.

"Are you done ignoring me, slut,"Drew snarled. Ouch now she hit a nerve.

"Are you scared to fight me, Drew dear."

"I'll beat you to a pulp,"

"Never underestimate my powers, child of Aphrodite."

That was when the battle began, Nico jumped backwards, and a fellow camper threw Drew a sword embedded and laced with, are those, roses?

She striked first and I of course dodged

"Come and fight me, Seabreeze Equnioux Alison Sky," she said as I hit the flat of my blade on her shoulder causing her to land on her bum.

"I bet you only have courage since you caked a product named,'I'm ugly on the inside',"and a few even nodded to my statement.

"Be a dear and put your sword down,"she said using charmspeak obviously, now heres my chance.

Obediently I put the sword down which shocked her and the rest of the campers.

"Fooled ya,now for my trick. Requip!" I said as I raised my arm to the sky, my sword doing the same until it turned into a dagger above my head and multiplied itself a hundred times.

"Now it is time. Dance of a hundred blades," I said as I brought ,my arm down pionting it to a baffled Drew.Before she could react the blades came pouring down, pinning her to the grass and forming a circle around her.


"Shut up!!" I groaned "Unless of course you need another beating,"

"No please,"

"Oh please, don't even try me Drew. Once you've done stinking this camp around with your premise you'll go back to your cabin. You'll give Piper a hard time, and besides when she's not around you act like you're the counselor and charmspeak everyone to be your maid. If I hear that from Piper or any of the other Aphrodite cabin campers, I will." I finished before everyone errupted into cheers the louder cheers coming from the Aphrodite campers.


"Good job back there Breeze, you are basically the only person that brought Drew to her knees by talking without charmspeak,"Nico said as he ruffled my hair and side hugged me. It felt nice

"Tell me this Nico, why are you being so cool to me, most of the time you're down in the ditch."

"Well for one thing, I feel at ease when I'm with you. You're kind and you, you know what it's like to suffer. Something about you, it just soothes me,"

"Wow no one has ever said that to me except, my, my mother,"I said teary eyed.

"To make you feel better, I saw your mom in Eislym she was happy and kept saying to herself, "be strong my island wind."

"Thank you."

At that moment I burst into tears on his shirt as we walked closer to the camp's border.

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