The Switch Up

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Well I just failed my first test of school year :/ But anyway lets get to this.

(Zero Two POV)
I woke up early the next morning for breakfast. I walked out of my room and headed down to wake up darling. I open her door to only to find that she's already gone. I close the door and proceed to walk down for breakfast as I catch a glimpse of daring. I walk into the room and see everyone getting ready to eat so I take my seat as well. After we pray to papa we begin to eat, so I get up and I move to sit with my darling. I pour honey on my food as I watch darling look at me with a funny look of confusion while I just smile. I began to feed her and myself until Ichigo walks into the room. I guess I didn't notice she wasnt in here but who cares about that brat. "Good morning everyone." She says. I scoff and continue to feed darling. "That's enough Two im full." Darling says. "If I eat anymore I'll explode." She laughs. Ichigo then comes to our table with that annoying smile on her face. "Good morning (Y/N)." Ichigo says while blushing at my darling as I simply roll my eyes. "Hey there Ichigo good morning." Darling says trying to stuff more food in her mouth even though she's "full". Ichigo then takes a seat and begins eating and breakfast goes on as normal until Zorome threw his spoon at my darling and they started to fight. Once they were done Zorome had a bloody nose and darling had a bruised cheeck. Shes only been here for a few days. She's something special for sure. I think.
Stupid Zorome. Stupid Zorome. I continue to think while Kokoro puts a bandage on my face. "Thank you." I say. She just blushes and nods. "Good morning children." Someone says. Nana then enters the room and looks and me and Zorome and just sighs. "Im not even going to ask what happened." She continued. "But (Y/N) I want to try a mock battle with you and Ichigo in the Delphinium." She finished. "Well I dont think thats a goo-" before I could finish Ichigo cuts me off with a "yes ma'am we can do it." "Great." Nana said. "You'll be going against Miku and Zorome." I feel Zorome staring at me as I turn around and do the same to him. "Darling." I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Be careful" Zero Two told me. I nod and leave the room.
(Zero Two POV)
Why does my darling have to be partnered up with that brat. No matter anyway. I think as I watch darling leave the room. I walk up to Ichigo and say "I'll let you ride with my darling, but only this once so you better enjoy it." My wounds still haven't completed healed from the last fight.

-Le time skip-
(Ichigo POV)
Im so excited that I get to ride with (N/N). I think. She comes out as we each go to our franxx while Miku and Zorome are already waiting. We each take our positions as the mock battle begins. But as soon as the battle starts we're already having problems controlling the delphinium while Miku and Zorome attacks up and suddenly the franxx powers off. "Give us three minutes." I say. "Fine." Zorome says slightly annoyed. "Come on not again. Why isn't this working." I hear (N/N) panicking. "What happened?" I say. All I heard was "I dont know." "Look it's okay" I say. "What did she do differently with you?" I question. (N/N) sits there pondering until she says the word... "A kiss?" I say and she simply nods. Well me and her already shared a kiss so this shouldnt be a problem. I thought. "Hey." I say. "We have to get the franxx back on." I continue. "Ichigo I dont think that this is a good idea." (Y/N) says. I just put ny hand over her eyes. "Dont look, its embarrassing." I blush. She opens her mouth to say something but I cut her off with the kiss. I then pull away. "So did you feel anything?" I question her. She puts her head down only to reply with "no". "Ichigo what happened." Nana says on the coms. While I look I also see Zero Two yawning which made me frustrated so I tried to power the franxx on my own but I couldn't yet I still managed to knock down Zorome and Miku. "Ichigo relax!" I hear (Y/N) yell but my feelings are too much so I snap back at her. "YOU'RE NO HELP IF WE CANT PILOT A FRANXX TOGETHER HOW ARE WE GOING TO SURVIVE!" I realize what I said and completely regret it. "Fine" was all she said before she exited the franxx. I tried to apologize many times but she wasn't accepting it so I went to my room and I began to cry. No. I dont want to lose her to that monster. I sobbed silently.
Stupid Ichigo I dont need her I have Two. I think as I walk up to Zero Two and hug her. "See darling, you can only pilot with me because you are mine. My darling only." She says. "Yeah I sure am aren't I." I say. We head back but I couldn't stop thinking about how Ichigo snapped at me and it pissed me off so I kept quiet for the rest of the day. I take a quick nap and I see Hiro standing beside me. We're both standing in the same field from my previous dream but its dead. No life is present. "What happened?" I asked. "Your emotions are causing this." Hiro said. "Just calm down." He continued. "You don't understand what I've been through. You're dead." I say with hatred in my voice. "I'll find my own way." I say. Then I wake up to the sound of knocks on my door. I open it to see Zorome. "Lets go skip stones huh?" He says. "Sure." I say. I'll find my own way just wait and see...

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