Chapter 1 "I spy with my eyes"

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::::[At a bar ]:::::

"Hahahaha!". You laughed as you chug down on your beer. The Bartender looked worried .

"Hey! Give me another glass of beer~". You said with a smile .
"But miss this is your fifth glass already... I think thats enough anyway we are about to close ". The bartender said .

"No! Give me another cup". You yelled as you throw your fist on the table.
"But miss-- "
The bartender remove his gaze from you when suddenly someone entered the bar.
"Welcome sir what would you like?". The bartender asked the customer.

You rest your head on the table, you felt dizzy.
"I'm actually looking for someone". The customer said with a smile.
"And who would that be?". The bartender replied.

"You~". Suddenly the customer pulled  out a gun and shot the bartender. The people were surprise as they hurriedly get out of the bar.
You were too drunk to even know whats going on.

You giggled as you circle your finger on the table. It catches his attention and looks at you.
"Huh? Drunk girl why arent you running?". He said with a smirk as he grabbed you by the chin.
"What do you want to have before you die that makes you happy?". The guy asked.

"Death please!". You said with a laughed. The guy put his hand on his face disappointed by your answer.
"Tell me why exactly are you here?". He said .

"Sir! The cops are coming! We need to move!". One of the guy's men said.  The guy lets go of your chin.
"We"ll have our little chat again, see you~". He said with a smirk as he run off.
"Haaa?? What did he saaay?". You said as you passed out on the floor.

The police came  rushing inside and saw no sign of the suspect . The only thing they saw was you and the dead body of the bartender.
"Miss are you okay?". The police said as He shakes you.
"Uuuh whats the difference between line and lane?". You said still drunk.


You wake up in a different room.
"Where am I? Wait this isnt my room". You said.
"Finally! Youre awake! Youre lucky I came here just to help your ass". Your sister said as she crosses her arms.

"Well you could have not help me if you dont want too! "

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"Well you could have not help me if you dont want too! ". You yelled.
"If i didnt help you Mom will definitely kick my ass!". She yelled . The two of you glared at each other then start fighting.
The doctor came in and the two of you stopped fighting.

"Doctor hows my sister~?". She said in a sweet voice and smile.
"Youre sister is lucky that she's unharmed by the suspect, she can leave now and heres the reciept. Your sister took the receipt judging from her look the bills is expensive.
She turn her head to look at you and whispered.
"You're a waste of money". She said as she leaves the room.

,"is she okay?". The doctor asked.
"Yeah I'm used to it ". You replied.

You were discharged from the hospital and the two of you were heading back home. You sister sigh as she saw you gloomy .
"What's the reason this time?". She said .
"He said he needs to go to the hospital because his mother is sick". You replied.
"Dont tell me you paid the bill". She said as she stares at you.

"And I paid the bill...". You said with a pout. She groan and looks back as she drives the car.
"How many times do I have to tell you(Y/n) to never pay bills on a date! The guy always pay". Your sister said.
"But he was cute". You replied.
"Even if he's cute you shouldnt let him got away". She replied.

This is the 10th time your sister put you in a blind date but in the end it never ends good.
"You also shouldn't cry about it , its just a blind date and there are soo many guys out there". She said.
"You know it hurts that my dates are terrible". You said .
"You're 25 years old (y/n), and I'm 18 you should be getting married now cuz ur getting old". Your sister said.

"Hey I'm not that old , Chesca". You said.
"Whatever, by the way you should really prepare yourself later". Your sister replied.
"Mom's mad at you ..goodluck~". She said.
"Oh sh*t".


"How many times do I have to tell you not to drink!!! Blah blah blah-

Your Mom scolded you for drinking you kinda felt sleepy , it's like she's been talking for hours! The only words you hear is DISAPPOINTED.
"Yes I wont do it again". You replied lazily.
"Why am I even scolding you? You're already 25 years old!". Your mother sigh and left.
You sigh and just went to your room to relax. You lie on your bed and pick up your notebook.

"10th time"  you write on your notebook. Maybe you're not just good in this stuff? Why not try being single?

You were busy thinking when suddenly your phone rings.
"Hello?". You answered.
"(Y/n)!! Where are you?! And why are absent??". Your manager Monica said.
"Aah i'm so sorry ... I wasn't feeling well but dont worry I'll go to work tomorrow!". You said .

"You better be..". Without hearing a reply from you she hang up.

"B*tch "  you muttered out. She's so annoying only if she wasn't your manager you could have slap her already! Buuuuut you need money.

Suddenly your phone rings again.
"I swear if its her again- Hello?". You answered.

"Helloooo , my Juliet~". A mysterious stranger said.
"Um.. I think you got the wrong number". You replied.
"Ofcourse not ". The mysterious stranger gave a chuckle.
"Im hanging up". You said .

"Dont worry Juliet , Romeo is coming to take you away~ Just wait my Juliet bye bye~!". Without another word he hung up.

"......some random dude probably got a wrong number". You just shrugged it off and just lie on your bed and watch tv.

Hope you guys like the first part ❤️

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