Chapter 20: Kawaii desu~✩

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You waited for Jack to put on the clothes you gave him.

[[ Flashback ]]
"I dare you to try on different lady's wear in every places we go ". You said with a smug.
Jack was shock at first , you expected him to decline but to your surprise he agreed to the challenge.

.. ... ...

"This will be fun ". You muttered.
"What's fun miss (y/n)?". You look to your side and saw Richard .
"Oh just watch, I didn't notice you were here". You said.
"Hahaha sorry to surprise you". Richard said with a smile.

"Yooo whatchu up to today?". Tyler who suddenly enters the room with that same smile.
"Jack loss to our deal yesterday so he has to wear a girl's outfit". You said showing Tyler a pair of female's school uniform.
"Woooow that looks so cute~! Can I try?". Tyler said as Tyler grabs the uniform and headed to change.
"O...okay?". You replied.

(( 10 minutes later ))

"Taaadaaa~". Tyler said as the two of them steps out of the changing room.

 Tyler said as the two of them steps out of the changing room

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Nooo waaay.....He actually wore it.
"So what do you think?". Tyler asked with a spin.
"This outfit's fits perfectly to me ". Jack said. He turns his head and looks at you.
"Well where are we going first?". Jack said with a smirk.
He's really not embarrassed of what he's wearing.

"Alright...we'll go visit my sister in her university! ". You ssaid you're dead now...heheheh
"Okay!". Jack replied.

(( Idk University ))

the two of you walk around the hallways searching for your sister's classroom. And for a minute you found it.
You peak at the door and saw there's no teacher , maybe it's recess?

"Hello May I help you?". You turn your head and sawtwo males wearing he school's uniform.

"Oh hi , Is Chesca here?". You asked the two male.
"Are you two related?". The first guy with orange hair asked.
"Yeah , we're siblings ". You replied.
"You're sister is pretty cute buuut~ you're way cuter". The second guy said with a wink.

You felt uncomfortable ...remember reader-chan this are underage kids , you better be quiet or the F.B.I's gonna get cha~.

"Hahaha you're also..hahaha". You gave an awkward laugh.

Hmmm why did it suddenly get gloomy

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Hmmm why did it suddenly get gloomy... it feels so ...dark , you thought.
Jack who's been starring deep to the two male's soul smiled.
"Isn't it time for your recess , maybe your teacher's waiting for you...riiight~". Jack said .

"But its recess?". You said. Jack looks at the other kid still with that smile.
"Oh...he's right Kyler ....we should go!..". The kid with orange hair said as the two of them walk away.

"Geez that guy is hella creepy". Kyler said to his friend.
"It's even creepier he's wearing a school girl's uniform". The guy whispered back.
"He kinda resembles somebody". Kyler said.

(For me I think its cute and not creepy , I mean they're just having fun and they're not hurting anyone right? The old guy's just living his life -Author-chan ♡ )

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(For me I think its cute and not creepy , I mean they're just having fun and they're not hurting anyone right? The old guy's just living his life
-Author-chan ♡ )

"Heeeeyy!". You called your sister and wave at her to catch her attention. She sighs and puts down the book she's reading.
"What do you want? Another blind date?...wait is that Jack?". Chesca said and points at Jack who's sitting by the bench .

"I just want to visit my little sistah~". You said with a grin. Slowly your sister starts to close the door.
"He-hey!". You stop her from closing the door.
"Look if you dont need anything just leave can't you see I'm studying". She replied.
"Studying about what?". You asked.
"How to understand idiots like you". She replied with a bored tone.

"But sis you cant understand it if you're already one ". You replied with a smile.
"Buuuuurn". Jack said from the back.
Your sister groans and closes the door at you.
"Welp i'm done~! Let's go to the mall". You said.

[[ Mall ]]

The two of you went to look for more clothes for Jack to wear.
"Hmmmm can you try this on?". You asked Jack.
"Well I am your slave after all and Im tied to your shackles so.Im you're slave , you can also hit me if-

You waited for Jack to finish changing, Jack swings abit the curtain.
"Wifey do you have any large?". Jack said.
"Oh let me see". You said as you were about to look for more .
"Psstt...wait stay there..see that guy?". Jack pointed at a guy wearing a hat.

"Let me guesd he's from a mafia". You said. You look at the guy he seems to be asking the employee and showing a picture..but as you look closer the picture is the two of you.
"Jack! He's looking for us!". You said.
"Shhhhh...just stay there and be quiet , let me just change ". Jack said.

Dammn they're moving here , you crawl to the other said trying to hide somewhere.

"Hey you're that girl that guy's been looking for". A little boy licking an ice cream said.
"Hahaha shhhh now be quiet". You said hushing the kid.
******* this is one of.the reasons why I dont want a child! You thought.

The guy turns his head and saw you.
"Heeeyyy!! Get back here !". The guy chases after you. You run and try to one of the clothes which are hang.
"Wheeere the heck are you Jack!". You scream in your mind.

 You scream in your mind

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(Screams in wattpad )

"Cleaning service~?". You heard Jack's voice you take a peek and saw Jack wearing a....

"What the hell". The guy said . Thank god Jack's here ....
"I don't know what drugs you are on but I'm still gonna kick your ass!". The guy was about to throw punches at Jack but Jack stops him by shoving a mop in his face.
"I dont like dirt so let me clean that mouth of yours ". Jack said with a smile.

The guy grabs the mop and throws it away.
"Oh you're gonna get it!". The guy said.

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