Chapter 5 "Wiffey~"

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"Goodmorning". Jack greeted him with a smile, the guy lift his hat and replied "Morning". Thats when the guy notice you .

"Who's this?". The guy with a red hair and red eyes said.

 The guy with a red hair and red eyes said

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"Oh that's my wife ". Jack replied as he put his arms around you.
"Isn't that right?". He whispered.
"Y-yeah". You replied.

"Seth meet (Y/N)". Jack said. The guy who's name Seth looks at you he put a hand on your shoulder .
"Goodluck" . He said . The door open and a kid enter the room running to Seth.
"Papa! Let's go! Let's go ! Let's go!". The kid tugs on Seth's shirt.

"Just a minute". Seth replied as he follows his kid.
"Where are they going?". You asked Jack.
"They're going to go to the park with his wife". Jack said.

"Oh by the way jack here's your next work". Seth said giving him a paper without another word he left with his kid.
"Is he always serious?". You asked Jack while he scan the paper.
"Huh? Oh sometimes but sometimes he is not". Jack replied.

Jack sat down on a chair infront of a computer and starts doing his work.
What am I suppose to do now? You thought as you stand there like a dog waiting for his command.

"Wiffey~". Jack purred as he turns his head to look at you.
"What..". You replied , he return his gaze back at the computer.
"Why wont you come here ? And sit down". He said .

You sat beside him , You saw that he's in some website and on that profile were guns.
"Are you buying guns?". You nervously asked.
"Yeah from the deep web ". Jack replied .
"Wha-What?!? That place is dangerous". You said , Jack smirks at you.

"Aren't I too?". Jack replied while he placed his hand on your hand , you quickly pull your hand back.
Jack chuckles at your reaction . Right this guy killed all the people in the hotel you work.
"Are you scarred?". Jack asked as he stares straight to your eyes.

"...kinda". You replied. He smiles and pick up something in his pocket.

"Turn around ". He ordered .
"Eh..wh-why?". You said as you turn around.
"Oh I got you something". He said as he move your hair to your right shoulder. Is it a necklace? Wait is this a chocker?

,"there". You check your reflection in a mirror.

"WHAT THE HELL!!". you yelled .
WTF this looks like a collar for dogs! You glare at Jack who cant stop laughing.
"It looks cute on you". He said wiping a tear from his eyes from laughing.
"Remove this!! I'm not a dog!". You yelled as you try to remove the collar.

"Relax thats not really for dogs". Jack said as he sat up and walks towards you.
"This will help me track you down, IF you try to run away from me~ so be good". He said he went back to his computer and pick up his paper work .
"I'm going to get the guns I bought , be a good girl and dont try to run away~". He said as he opens the door , he turns his head to look at you.

"Oh and if you do~ I wont hesitate killing him..and that necklace will self destruct if you run away hahaha". He said with a smile and left.
Dammit now how am I going to escape?? You sigh as you look at your reflection in the mirror.

I'm this mans wife now...I miss my mom and sister . Suddenly the door opens , is Jack back already?

 Suddenly the door opens , is Jack back already?

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"Oh hello ". A guy with glasses and dark hair said.
"Hi" you replied. The guy went to his desk and was busy searching for something.
"You are (Y/N)? Correct?". The guy asked .
"How did you-
"Jack has been talking about you earlier, I'm Edward but you can call me Ed , I'm actually Jack's boss". He said picking up a book.

" can I help you? It looks like you're having a hard time?". You asked him.
"No worries, how about you go explore , dont worry I wont tell jack that you left this room". He said with a smile.
"Thanks ". You smile at him and left the room.

Finally I met someone friendly , you thought. You wandered around the building till you arrived in a room the room is wide and it has a large aquarium.
"Woow". You muttered as you stare at it . Theres different kinds of fishes and even a shark!
"What even room is this?". You said .

"Are you stun by how beautiful it is?".

You suddenly turn around hearing a unfamiliar voice.

A man seating on a chair with blonde hair and brown eyes looks at you

"What are you doing here bambini~?". He said with a flirty smile.


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"Umm...wandering around?". You repled.
"Aren't you a curious little lamb~? Are you waiting to get feast by a wolf?". He said resting his head on his palm.

"....No". Okay this is getting awkward.. Is he trying to flirt with me? He stands up from his seat and walk towards you . He lifts your chin by his pointing finger.

"You know you're not really allowed here but I'll make an exception, you can stay but..your clothes has to leave". He said with a smirk.


Suddenly a dagger went flying towards the guy , it almost hit him.

You turn your head and saw Jack standing by the door with a smirk on his face.

"S-senpai!". The guy yelled as he slowly backs away from you.

"What do yoh think you're doing with my wife?". Jack said pulling you close to him.
"I'm sorry senpai! I was just practicing my flirting skills!". The guy said .

"Oh, Jack you're back". Edward entered the room and looks at the guy with blonde hair.
"What did you do this time?". Edward said .
"I was umm-
"Come here! How many times do I have to tell you that...
Edward pinch the guy's ear and dragged him out of the room.

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