Chapter 11 "Bullets and Guns"

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You followed Jack , but cant help but think of his state, so was Jack a lonely child back then?

"Wiffey look , this fish is pink , isn't that cute?". Jack said with a smile.
You were about to approach Jack when suddenly you stop.
Something feels strange , you heard a tapping and when you turn your head.

There you saw it the shark breaks out of the glass and heavy flow of the water floods the room.
"Jack!". You screamed as you try not to get drowned by the water. You heard Jack screamed your name and in a minutes you felt your hand get pulled out of the water.

"(Y/n)". Jack muttered as he placed you on the ground . You were coughing , you swallowed some water and having a hard time to Breath.

Jack look around and prepare his gun.
"He's here". Jack whispered under his breath.
"H-how did the aquarium break??". You said .
"Hmm it's impossible for the shark to break the glass. Unless its been broken on the outside , wiffey I want you to go behind me". Jack said as he loaded his gun.


e people panicked of what happened.
"Mom what happened? Im scarred". A little girl said. The fishes got out of the aquarium and there's a lot of water everywhere.

Ladies and gentlemen please do not panic , medics are on their way to help ".

"Jack what's wrong?". You asked Jack. Then suddenly there were loud gunshots.
"Get down!". Jack yelled as he pushed you away from him.

You hide behind a broken table , jack begins firing . The enemy hide behind a pillar .
"You're not escaping this time!". The man yelled.
Jack patiently waits for the man to shoot again when he got his chance without hesitation he fired and it hit the man to the shoulders.

"Shit shoot at him dumbass!". The other man said . You thought theres only one man there but theres more?
You take a look and saw there are in fact five.
Jack hide behind the table you were hiding as he continues to shoot.
"Shit this men are from Rene ". Jack cursed as he reloaded his gun.

 Jack cursed as he reloaded his gun

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"Should I call the police?". You asked Jack but he shook his head.
"Even if we call the police they we'll arrived late with dead bodies scattered around". Jack said .

"Then what should I do??". You asked.
"Stay here and be a good girl". Jack said as he run towards the pillar.

"A girl". The man said who spotted you . Oh no , you stay put but the man ignores you as he points his gun at Jack.
"Quiet girl!". The man said as he covers your mouth. What should I do?? You spot a knife from the guy's pocket , you slowly got it and stab the guy from the leg luckily he missed shooting Jack.

"Aaah you little-!

Jack shot the man before he can even pulled out the knife .
"Dont even try laying a finger at her". Jack yelled as he points the gun at him.

"Oh the girl seems to be important to you?". The man said and smirk. Theres 1 guy left , you dont think they stand a chance.

"She's my wife ". Jack replied. The man laugh as he hide behind the pillar.
"Oh I never knew the heartless bastard can find true love". The man said.
There was silence , Jack didn't replied to what the man said.

"Well...I hope you two die happily togther!". The man turn around ready to shoot at jack when suddenly someone shoot him infront.

"Huh? Jack didn't shot him". You muttered as you look around.
"Can't keep your hands from other people's business ?". Jack said.

"You know me ". A woman with short black hair said , is she our ally? You thought .
"Don't worry I called Edward of what happened he said he'll take care of it , and he told me that we should leave". The woman said .

Jack nod his head and grab your hand. The woman look at you and Jack holding hands.
"...well lets go". She said and she turns around.
The two of you followed the woman .
"Jack who's that woman?". You whispered to him.

"She's Monica Hernandez , she's also a hitman ". Jack replied.
"Aren't I your favorite Jack?". The woman turned her head and smile.

"My only favorite is my snake". Jack replied harshly .
" are so mean towards me , anyway Edward also told me to tell you to go to his office togther with...that". The woman look at you as she said "that".

Jack didn't replied instead he changed the topic .
"I think that guy shot the glass from the inside , if it would be outside then we could have heard the gun shot". Jack said.
"Yeah , you're right". You replied.

(Meeting room )

"I never knew that Rene would attack back at us , I thought he forfeit". Edward said.
"He's coming back for revenge!". Tyler said.
"Maybe if someone didn't have done that then this shouldn't happen". Seth said crossing his arms.

"I agree I agree ". Cleo the parrot said.

"Well if he haven't done that we should have died ". Edward said.

"Edwards right guys ". Monica said as she sat on a chair with her legs crossed.
"I think its best if we immediately attack right? Before he could attack us". Seth said .

"Thats a good idea ". Jack replied.
"Before we can attack first and foremost we must have a plan". Edward said as he opens the file he was holding.

"Alright ". Tyler mumbled.

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