The Tragedy and Training Clementine

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The train is moving and everybody is worried about Duck.

Chuck: It must be hard huh? Five adults taking care of  eleven kids. No offense you two.

Ben looks upset and looks down. Lucy smiles and forgives him.

Lee: There were more of us.

Chuck: Dead got them?

Lee: No.

Chuck: Ah, living got them.

Suddenly, Duck coughs up blood.

Edd: Oh no...

Katjaa: Lee! Please help me!

Lee: What's up?

Katjaa: Please remove this from his face.

Lee gets a napkin and removes the blood from Duck's face.

Lucy: He is out of time. Tell Kenny and Lorcan to stop the train.

Edd: I'll talk with him.

Katjaa: Thank you...

Edd goes to talk with Kenny.

Eddy: How are you doing Clem?

Clementine:... Duck is going to die.

Eddy:... I know.

Edd goes to Kenny.

Edd: Mr. Kenny, stop the train.

Kenny doesn't listen. Edd shows him the napkin.

Edd: Mr. Kenny...

Kenny: What the hell is that?

Edd: Your son's blood.

Kenny: Get out of here, Edd.

Edd: He is dying.

Kenny: Nobody knows shit, he is going to be fine! What's the goddamn deal anyways? Just because he is sick, we can't just quit! It's just a scratch! He is not like the others! Jesus, you're all making it worse!

Edd: I'm sorry. But you have to stop the train for your son.

Kenny: The hell do you know? You're not my friend!

Edd: It's not like that... Do you think you're the reason why Duck is bitten?

Kenny:... Yes.

Edd: Mr. Kenny, you din't kill Shawn.

Kenny: Yes I did, and now it's catching up to me!

Edd: What happened to Shawn wasn't your fault.

Kenny: There is no way my son is going to live, not after I put someone elses on the ground!

Edd: Please, stop the train

Kenny looks at Edd and Lorcan stops the train. Everybody gets out of the train and Katjaa looks at Duck who is breathing heavily now.

Katjaa: Kenny... It's time.

Kevin: What?

Kenny:... The boy has been bit.

Nazz: WHAT?! No way!

Edd: Yes, it's hard to believe that.

Ed is crying.

Ed: Duck...

Kenny: What do we do?

Katjaa: We can't allow him to turn into one of those things.

Kenny: What if he doesn't?

Katjaa: Kenny, you know I love you very much, but I love our son more then life itself! I need you to hear me. What you are saying about him not turning is foolish.

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