The Hospital Roof and the Invasion of Walkers

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The group opens a door and they find themselves on the hospital roof. They see the walkers on the streets.

Kenny: Remember when Savannah was empty.

Christa: Those Crawford bastards did one thing right, I guess.

Kevin: There must be thousands of them.

Ben: Did they follow us here?

Doug: It sure seems like it.

Carley: That's crazy, they can't track. They just roam.

Kenny: Is it? That fucking train wasn't exactly discreet.

Edd: The train, of course.

Eddy: Well, we still took the train so we can't do anything about it now.

Ed: The train is cool!

Lee: Maybe we should wait for them to go away.

Nazz: That will be a long time before that happens.

Kenny: Lee's right, we have to take our time and go. Anyone know how far and in what direction the mansion is? We probably oughta start there.

Edd: It's between us and River Street, so we can stop if we have to. Retrace our steps maybe, and then get going towards the hotel where Clementine's parents were staying.

Kenny: Ok.

The group begin to find a way to get to the mansion. Edd walks over to Kenny.

Edd: Are you ok, Mr. Kenny?

Kenny: Yeah. Actually... No. I'm still thinking about...

Edd: It's ok.

Kenny: ... Is it my fault that they're dead?

Edd: No. It's not your fault. You did everything you could to protect Katjaa and Duck.

Kenny: Thanks.

Eddy walks over to Kevin, Nazz and Rolf.

Eddy: How are you guys doing?

Kevin: We are still trying to find a way to get out of here.

Nazz: I don't have any ideas.

Rolf: Rolf's head is empty.

Eddy: Well, you will figure it out somehow.

Ed sees the church bell.

Ed: Hey guys! Maybe we can use that bell!

Eddy: Ok, but how are we going to get to the tower exactly, Lumpy?

Edd: Molly once said that she used the bells to distract the walkers. If we use the bells, the walkers will get distracted which will give us an opening.

Eddy: But how?

Lee: I see a ladder. Maybe we can use that.

Eddy: Sure.

Lee and the Eds walk over the ladder. The Eds help Lee carry the ladder. They put the ladder on the tower.

Edd: Ok, let's go.

Carley: Lee, be careful.

Lee: What's the worst thing that can happen? Get bitten again.

The group is silent.

Lee: Then we're agreed, then.

The Eds and Lee climb on the ladder and they get to the tower but unfortnately, the ladder falls hitting a walker in the process.

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