Ch. 10: The end. Start!

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Misty walked in fast steps to the hotel entrance. She asked the reception where the conference is being held and quickly headed to the mentioned hall.

It was crowded. Misty looked for Ash everywhere but he wasn't around. She caught sight of his sisters Lana, Reese and Bridget who were standing in a corner and talking.

Misty decided not to bother them. She took a seat on the back, glancing at the book the girls beside her had. It was named The Last Book.

"Apparently, it's a dedication to a girl!"

"Really? I haven't read it yet."

"I just bought it this morning!"

Right when Misty was about to ask the girl to hand her over the book, everyone started to clap their hands. They stood up. Misty did as well.

Ash entered the hall. He bowed his head as a thank-you and sat down at the middle.

"We thank everyone who came today to this conference." A woman who sat beside Ash spoke to the microphone. She was the moderator of the conference. "Today, Mr. Ketchum is going to introduce us his latest work as well as answer your questions about it."

"I didn't give my readers enough time to read so they have no questions." Ash interrupted.

Some people laughed in the hall. Misty smiled.

"So, Mr. Ketchum. Your full name is Ash-"

"Ashton Garcia Ketchum."

The woman smiled and looked down at the info on her papers. "Ashton Garcia Ketchum, you're twenty-eight years old, you've been to Celadon University and you have a master degree in classic literature." She looked up. "You've so far written four books and three of them were best sellers. Any comments?"


She shook her head to herself, smiling. "Anyhow! Your sister is a former writer and all of her novels are best sellers. You've got quite the reputation among women." She looked up. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Misty felt her stomach do a twist.

"I don't get the point of this question but yes, I do."

"Of course there is a point. Is she the girl you talk about in your new book?" The woman lifted up the book.

"Depends on what girl you're talking about. There are a lot of girls in that book."

The woman chuckled. She asked, "Is everything you've written in your book is real?"

"Real is relative. You might believe there is a huge chocolate cake hidden in the sky right now, and I might believe there isn't."

"Are you going to answer all questions in this conference with sneaky answers?"


The audience laughed again. The animator smiled and said, "So, Mr. Ketchum, can you talk briefly about your new book?"

Ash sat straight. He spoke, "This book simply holds all the answers to someone who is dear to me. That's all I have to say."

Misty's heart started to beat fast.

"That's all?"


"Okay, Mr. Ketchum." The woman nodded. "So, are you trying to say this book is an autobiography and all the events are real?"

"There might be or might not be a chocolate cake hidden in the sky right now."

"The chocolate cake talk is tempting, Mr. Ketchum."

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