Ch. 9: With a twist

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Ash was sitting on the sofa seat, drinking his coffee quietly. Another man sat facing him, checking nervously the bunch of papers Ash handed him.

"Well." The guy didn't look impressed. "I can't publish this."

"You can't."

"Nope, I can't."

Ash raised his eyebrows. "You haven't even read it yet, Chris."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get offers to publish this kind of rubbish every day." Christopher put down the papers on the table. "Can't risk it with this, bro. Sorry. I like your dad - I like that he gives us money, but I'll have to refuse this one."

"Rubbish." Ash nodded. "You just called my work rubbish."

"You're better than this, Ash. You've written best sellers before. You can do better than this!"

"Read it first."

"I've worked in this field for more than ten years. I see papers; I know if it's a best seller or not." Christopher pointed at the papers Ash gave him. "These aren't a best seller."

"It's the last book I'll publish."

The publishing agent remained silent for a moment.

"You're kidding me."

"Do you want to publish it or not?"

"You're kidding me!" He looked horrified. "You can't stop writing, Ash! People buy your books! Are you crazy?"

"It doesn't interest me if they buy my books." Writing was something he did for himself; the money came later. He admits it wouldn't be the case if he wasn't already backed up by his father's business, but still; writing was never a job for him.

"What are you talking about?" The agent snapped. "You have no idea! There are women who never miss your conferences! You're going to disappoint the fangirls!"

"Forget about the women. Are you publishing this book or not?" Ash smiled.

The agent leaned back on his sofa seat.

"Why are you going to quit writing?"

"I'm not quitting writing; I'm quitting publishing and selling."

"Don't do the conference talk with me! Why are you quitting?"

"I have a promise to keep." Ash replied calmly.

"What? What about your fans?"

Ash pulled out his wallet. He placed a check on the table. "This is a little gift from my father. It's in your name."

Chris's eyes shot wide at the numbers on the check.

"Are you crazy?"

Ash got up. "Now you have the money to publish this book, so do it."

"Ash, let's talk more about this!"

"See you at the last book conference soon."


Misty was tidying up the living room when Ash got home. She didn't look up and she didn't greet him.

"Uh, are you okay, Misty?" Ash asked after he took off his jacket.

"No, I'm not." Misty has been in a bad mood lately. She didn't understand the purpose of what she was doing. If Ash is back but things are still the same, why are they back in the first place?

"Is there-"

"You know I love you and you use that to your advantage, right?" Misty snapped. "You know I can't really go because I'm stuck with you!"

"Misty, you shouldn't speak like this."

"I'm tired of your childish games, Ash! I don't want to do this anymore! I don't care if the book you're writing is the last or the first; if you're going to get responsible and act like men your age, I'm staying. If you're not, I'm leaving and you'll never see me again!"

"You're never nervous like this. Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay! I'm okay!" Misty turned her attention to the coffee table. She picked up the empty coffee cups. "And worse! I have to clean up after you! When are you going to grow up?"

"I just forgot them there! Why are you making a big fuss about it?"

"And because I yelled way too much, now I feel like throwing up!" Misty paused for a moment, her hand on her chest.

"Are you okay?" Ash walked over to her. He grabbed her hand.

"No, I'm not, obviously!" Misty pulled Ash's hand away. "Leave me alone!"

"Misty, you're shivering!"

"Just leave me alone, Ash! I'm okay when you're not around me so leave!"

Then, everything went blank for Misty and she fell unconscious onto Ash's arms.


"She's okay, nothing dangerous."


"Just a bit tired, she needs to get some rest."

Ash watched Misty sleep peacefully on the couch. The doctor collected her material and got up. "Maybe she's been putting too much pressure on herself lately."


Misty started to open her eyes slowly.

"There she is; the sleeping beauty opening her eyes."

Ash peeked at her. "Are you okay?"


"Please get her a glass of water, Ash."

Ash planted a kiss on Misty's cheek before leaving the room. Then, the doctor tapped Misty's cheek.

"How are you feeling?"


"While he's out..." The woman smiled. "You need a pregnancy test, my girl."

"Huh?" Misty pulled herself up.

The doctor pulled away when Ash got in the room.

"Nothing dangerous, like I said. She just needs rest."

"Alright." Ash gave Misty the glass of water. He held her hand tight for a second.

"It's my job, Ash. Tell your parents I said hi."

"Will do."

As Ash walked the doctor to the door, Misty was getting all sorts of ideas in her head.


this may seem to be written in a not-so-good way and it's because I lost the original file of this story :c I had it completed and corrected by an English native before moving...


and I will finish this story soon c,: I am also trying to come out with something fun. I'm writing a lot but nothing is good yet

anyway PEACE

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