Epilogue: All over again

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"Bridget, isn't it too late for you to say this? Today is the wedding day and they're waiting for us."

"No way in hell it's happening, Ash!" Bridget was standing near the apartment door with her hand on the handle. "You're not going!"

Misty and Ash looked at each other.

"I said it's bad luck for our family!"

"Those are superstitions!"

"I'm not letting you leave. Choose." Bridget looked at both of them. "It's either you Best Man, either Misty Maid of Honor. For The Ketchums, a couple can't be bridesmaid and best man."

"Oh." Misty blinked. "Really?"

Bridget nodded. "He should have told you. It's bad luck. You'll break up. Nana will be very mad if I tell her about this."

Ash sighed. "Drew and May are waiting."

"Plus, Misty is pregnant! She needs to sit down and get rest instead of assisting May! She needs assistance herself!"

Ash put his hand on his forehead. Misty felt too tired to keep standing up on those high heel sandals, so she sat down on the couch.


"Where did you come from?" Ash snapped. They were about to leave for May and Drew's wedding when Bridget showed up, saying she was passing by Saffron city.

"And thank God I was passing by!"

"Get the hell out of the way, Bridget! Our friends are getting married today and they are WAITING for us!"

"If you want to be Best Man, then Misty isn't going to be Maid of Honor! End of discussion."

Misty frowned. "But May is going to freak out..."

Bridget pointed at Misty. "Look at her! Misty could literally give birth at my moment! She's on her ninth month! Are you crazy? This is a critical month!"

Ash walked to the door. He tried to snatch the keys off Bridget's hand.

"I'm not giving it to you!"

"Stop it!"

"You know it's bad luck!"

"It's ridiculous! Give me the keys!"

Misty watched from her spot on the couch the two siblings fight over the keys like two little kids. She shifted slightly on her spot, feeling uncomfortable. She got up.

"Bridget! STOP!"

"Get off your hand!"

Suddenly, Misty said, "It's a loss."


Ash and Bridget turned to look at the redhead. She was standing up and looking at the back of her dress.


"May got this dress especially made for me." Misty walked in slow and cautious steps to Ash. "She wasted the cloth."

"You look beautiful." Ash wasn't only trying to make Misty happy. He really thought the light pink satin dress suited her.

"You're not going as Maid of Honor, then!" Bridget smiled.

"What?" Ash snapped. "What about May?"

"I can't be Maid of Honor today." Misty smiled uncomfortably. "I think my water broke."



"My dress is wet, the couch too. I really think my water broke, Ash."

"But, uh..." Ash looked between the two women. "You still have like, twenty-four hours before the delivery, right?"


Did she say she hates you? Wants to kill you?

"No, but I think I'm next." Ash turned around. He looked at Misty who was lying down on the bed and breathing heavily. Bridget was trying to calm her down but Misty wasn't having it. She was too much in pain to be polite with Bridget.

Yeah, labor does that. I've been there twice.

"Tell Drew I'm sorry. The doctor said Misty is really close to delivering, so..."

It's fine. The ceremony went well. We're going to slip off and come right away!

"It's not-"

Gary hung up the call before Ash could say anything. Ash sighed and put his phone back inside his tuxedo pants' pocket. The doctor walked in Misty's room quickly and Ash followed after him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Everything is wrong!" Misty snapped, all sweating and breathing heavily. She's been in this state for five hours. 

"Misty, please calm down." Bridget wiped Misty's forehead with a cold cloth.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I DON'T CALM DOWN!"

"Misty, babe..." Ash sighed and grabbed the redhead's hand. He brushed her ring with his thumb. "You're only hurting yourself."

"Get this baby out of me!" Misty screamed. "You made me pregnant! It's all your fault! I HATE YOU!"

It hurt Ash to see Misty in such pain, but he could do nothing for her. Ash kissed her hand. "It'll be over soon, Mist. Just be patient."

"Easy for you to say!" Misty breathed heavily. "And don't even start with that stupid Greek Gods talk again! You're an idiot! You fooled me!"

"Misty, you really need to calm down." Bridget sighed. She looked at Ash and whispered, "Today is an exception. She can call you all mean names."

"And I'm all ears."

The doctor put on the latex gloves and checked Misty. "Ten centimeters. You're going to be a mother."

"Oh, thank God!" Misty sighed.

Ash joined Misty's side. He held her hand and told the doctor, "I'm going in with Misty."

"Alright, then. I'll go get the nurse."

"This is so déjà vu!" Bridget spoke suddenly before she starts making calls. "You two were there when Reese gave birth to Tyler! And now it's you two, again!"

Misty and Ash looked at each other.

"It's a boy." They spoke in unison. 


after three books, Misty  still can't calm down c:

Thanks to all those who read this to the end


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