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It was two in the morning when Oikawa's girlfriend had the courage to tell him the news. She woke him up in the middle of the night and said those words, he was never ever going to forget.

"Honey, I'm pregnant."

He couldn't see the look on her face due to the darkness of that beautiful night, but the male knew she was nervous and agitated. Yoshida kept rambling about how she wouldn't be mad if he didn't want to take that huge of a responsibility, of having a child at the age of twenty-five, and that she didn't mind taking care of the baby on her own. She just wanted him to at least help her monetarily, since it was both of their faults, that she had ended up pregnant.

What the woman didn't notice, was the smile, that had overtaken Oikawa's face. It was one of the widest and most radiant smiles he had ever shown to anyone. The young male was so happy.

He hushed her with a butterfly kiss to her lips and wrapped his arms, assuring her that they would go through all of this together and that he would always be there to support her.

"I'll love the baby as much as I love you," He affirmed, caressing his girlfriend's belly and wondering how his child would look like.

The following nine months were rough. Yoshida felt really weak most of the time, throwing up and having headaches almost every day. Her doctor said everything was fine with the baby, nevertheless she couldn't help but think there was something wrong with how she felt all so ill the time.

Oikawa was by her side the whole time, even when she cried that one day she realized, she wouldn't be able to get a degree in architecture, because she couldn't even go to classes anymore. He told the girl, that she could do it after the baby was born and, while she was studying, he would take care of the baby and work so he could support them.

Finally, there they were, waiting her to give birth. Yoshida was screaming, feeling like her insides were being ripped apart. Her boyfriend gently caressed her ginger hair and wiped the sweat off her forehead, while whispering sweet, encouraging words to her.

"I can't take it, Tōru! This is too much!" She shouted, pushing as hard she could.

He kissed her hand, the one that was basically crushing his own, and reassured her, "You can do it, believe me. Just push a little bit more, Haruka, just a little bit more."

Around twenty minutes later, they heard a loud, high pitched cry. Yoshida stopped pushing and crushing her boyfriend's hand and relaxed, sighing deeply as she tried to catch her breath.

Oikawa started to weep even though he hadn't see the baby yet. He already knew that it was going to be a boy and they both had decided what was going to be his name, but the man was still excited as well a little scared. He just wanted to check if everything was okay with his son.

"It's a beautiful baby boy that you have here," Said the nurse while placing the child on top it's mother's chest so he could smell her.

"He is indeed beautiful," Yoshida said, letting small tears roll down her cheeks and holding the baby tightly against her.

Oikawa wiped the tears off his face with the back of his hand and placed one arm around the woman's shoulder, making her cuddle against his body. He kissed the top of her head and looked at the baby as the little one searched for something to suck on. When he finally found his mother's finger, the baby sucked on it and calmed down a little.

"So, will Shōyō be his name?" Yoshida asked her boyfriend, not taking her eyes off her son for a second.

"Yes, Shōyō it is."

And later, when he carried his son in his arms and rocked him slightly so he wouldn't cry, Oikawa knew that he loved this perfect, little being; he loved Shōyō more than anyone in this world and would protect him no matter what.


I'm, with all honesty, really proud of how this story turned out. y english isn't the best so I had a beta review my work, but otherwise, it think I did a good job.

Even so, sometimes it can be a little bit confusing so if you have any questions about the story, i'm ready to answer them.

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