|Chapter 5|

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"Everything was okay, I guess," Yoshida commented, helping Oikawa to pack their son's stuff. "We had fun. Oh, and I talked to Shōyō about you and him having a lot of fights lately and I believe he really is sorry. I mean, he almost started to cry when we talked about it. He doesn't hate you, don't worry."

"I know that, he said it himself." The man zipped the backpack close and put it over his shoulder. "It's just, that I thought he was saying these things when deep down he felt some kind of hatred towards me."

The ginger rolled her eyes and looked at the man with a 'are you kidding me?' look. "He's a kid, Tōru, he doesn't hate anything. I mean it, when I say, that you're doing a great job. Our son is turning out to be such a great young boy and I have to admit it, that it's mostly due to your doing."

Oikawa smiled because of his ex-wife's kindness. She was friendly since the day they'd met, and that was one of the reasons he fell in love with her. But it was one of the reasons he fell out of love too, for the man sometimes thought she was flirting with other people when she simply had a big heart.

"Thank you." He turned around to find his son running away from Asamushi while laughing hysterically. He was kind of jealous, but happy that Shōyō was having fun. "Shō-chan, I think it's time we leave. It's almost time for dinner, you know?"

"Can't I stay a little longer?" The kid pouted and stopped running. "Asamushi-kun said he'd show me some cool card tricks."

"I'm sorry, but we have to go."

"Then I'll show them to you next time," The younger man proposed, glancing at Oikawa to make sure everything was okay. When he nodded, Asamushi continued, "How about that?"

"Okay!" The child grinned and walked up to his father, grabbing his hand.

"Say goodbye to mom and Asamushi-san," Oikawa said, waving at them so his son would mimic him.

And he did, saying, "Bye bye, mommy. Bye bye, Asa-kun."

Then they left the house, closing the door behind them and making their way toward the car. Once they got in, each of them put the seat belt on.

"So, tell me how your weekend was," The father asked, turning the engine on and starting to drive.

"Can you put other music on?" Oikawa changed the radio station and waited for his son's answer. "It was amazing!"

"That's great! What did you do?" He asked, already knowing after chatting with his ex-wife. But it was his job as a father to ask about those kind of things.

"On Friday we had dinner in a restaurant. The food was really, really good. I ate a loooot!" Shōyō giggled, when he remember how it was there. "Mommy said I couldn't eat ice cream, but I really wanted one, so Asa-kun bought me a popsicle when we were going back home."

"And what did you do on Saturday?"

The kid stopped talking so he could remember. He furrowed his eyebrows but suddenly remembered, widening his eyes and telling his story in an excited voice. "We went to an amusement park together! It was so cool. We even went to a haunted house!" The ginger shivered and rubbed his arms with his hands. "Mommy held my hand and said that it was fine, but I said I wasn't scared and that I would protect her from the ghosts. Don't tell mommy, but I almost screamed because it was really scary. But don't tell mommy, she can't know because she thinks I'll always protect her. And I will, but sometimes I can be scared, right?"

"Yes, you can. It's okay to be scared." The brunet laughed quietly to himself. "Was that all you did?"

"I guess." He shrugged. "Today we didn't go anywhere so I wanted to play video games. But mommy didn't let me. She said I was grounded. Why did you tell mommy I was grounded?"

Oikawa took a turn to the left and rolled his eyes. "Because mommy needs to know."

"Okay. Oh, and we ate donuts today. Asa-kun made them!"

"Asamushi-san is a really good cook, isn't he?"

The man could swear his son's eyes were shining. "He is! I wanted to save one donut for you, but I ate them all. I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

It was good to know that even when they were far apart, his son thought of him. However, hearing Shōyō talk about how much fun he had was making the man a little jealous. He was a grown up, so he shouldn't get jealous about something as simple as his son having fun with someone else. But he was used to do everything with the ginger and hearing him talk about his weekend made him remember ,that the kid had more friends and knew more people, that could entertain him, not just his father. One day, Shōyō was going to live somewhere else with someone else and that made the father fairly jealous.

"But you know? I missed you, daddy. I wished that you were having fun with us." The toddler looked at his father's eyes through the mirror and showed a genuine smile, that reached his eyes.

Seeing his adorable son smile like that and saying those words, made all the jealousy go away. After all, the time when Shōyō was going to be independent was still far away, so Oikawa wasn't going to worry about it now. Rather, he decided he was going to enjoy the many years with his son, that were still about to come.


can i just say paul mccartney's new song is bomb?


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