|Chapter 4|

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After Shōyō had been born, Yoshida's and Oikawa's lives were amazing. They were extremely happy and felt like they could do anything together. They married a few months after she gave birth to him, because they didn't want to have a kid and not be married.

The first year was probably the worst, with the baby growing a lot every week and crying every few hours. Since Oikawa was done with his studies, he would be the one to take care of their child so Yoshida could sleep and be ready to go to classes in the morning. However, the woman always found herself feeling pretty tired.

The second and third year were pretty normal since they got used to all that parenting thing. Did they doubt themselves? Every day, but they always comforted each other, so it was okay.

Now, the fourth year was when everything started to crumble. The couple fought regularly and doubted their love for each other. The truth was that, maybe, they started their life together too soon, without being able to meet other people, and now they were regretting their decisions, feeling like they weren't meant to be together.

For Shōyō, who was still a little kid, it was confusing to see his parents close their bedroom door and then hear muffled screams and yells. He didn't know because he was always distracted, but his parents were having a fight.

Yoshida proposed that they split up and that was what they did. They divorced and went to court to decide the custody of their son. Thanks to the woman's work, which made her sometimes go to other countries in the middle of the week, Oikawa would live with Shōyō, except on weekends, when the boy would go to his mother's house.

At the beginning, it was okay. Oikawa could handle everything alone and he even had a break on weekends. But as times went on and his son started to grow up, things got worse. The father didn't know how to act. It was confusing and he found himself calling his ex-wife, sister and mother to ask what he should do. They always helped him and he was grateful. He didn't have time for himself because he had to work and take care of the kid, which left little to no time to leisure.

Thankfully, it was Friday and the worst was already done. It was just before dinner time and all Oikawa had to do was drive his kid to Yoshida's house and then he was free to do whatever he wanted.

"Please don't let him play video games," The brunet pleaded when he saw his son entering his ex-wife's house.

"Why?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and letting Oikawa see what was going on inside the house. Shōyō was chatting with Yoshida's boyfriend, Asamushi, who was an attractive young man. He didn't know how she had the time to date.

When the man looked in his direction and smiled, Oikawa waved and smiled back. "Because I grounded him. This past week he has been really naughty and I had to do something."

"Okay, I won't let him play video games." She smiled, nodding. "But have you talked to him? About why he's acting the way he is?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes and answered, "Of course. What kind of parent do you think I am?"

"The kind that's too busy with work and too tired to even try to listen to his own child." Damn, she knew him so well.

"Well, I did talk to him, so now we're okay, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants without being punished."

"That's true. But don't worry." Yoshida looked at the male and showed a sympathetic expression. With just a look she could tell how exhausted he was. "If you don't have anything more to tell me, go and enjoy your weekend. Go to a spa, take a long bath, sleep for twelve hours, I don't care. Just rest a little, okay?"

"Yes, I'll do it. Thank you, Haruka" Oikawa smiled too and winked.

Yoshida could still remember why she had fallen in love with him. Even now that he was thirty one years old, she could tell he was charismatic. He didn't look like six or seven years ago, but he was still very attractive. Anyone would fall for his looks and, after getting to know him, for his personality since he was really nice and caring.

"No problem. Have a nice weekend."

"You too. Say bye to Shōyō for me and that I love him."

With that, the man turned his back and walked to his car. He knew he was going to feel really lonely during the whole weekend. It was always like that: he would spend working days sighing and asking to have one or two more hours of sleep and when the weekend came, he would ask for his son back, because the only thing he was able to do was the work he hadn't finished yet.

That day he decided to go to his friend's house. Iwaizumi had been his friend since they could remember and he was always there when Oikawa needed him.

After some minutes of driving while listening to the news on the radio, the brunet finally arrived at his friend's apartment. He knocked on the door and waited.

"Hello." Iwaizumi smiled a little as soon as he opened the door and saw that it was his childhood friend. They hadn't talked in so long.

"Excuse me," Mumbled Oikawa while entering the house, not needing the other man's permission.

The dark-haired male just shook his head and closed the door. "You should have told me you were coming."

"Why? It's not like you were going to have a girl over anyway." The brunet smirked, taking a seat on the couch.

"I could have a girl over if I wanted." Iwaizumi crossed his arms over his chest and took a seat on the couch as well.

"Wow!" Oikawa exclaimed, touching the other man's biceps. "You're muscles are as big as ever. Do you still exercise?"

"Obviously. I have to if I want to be healthy." He grabbed the remote and changed the channel, looking at his friend every few seconds. "You should too; you look awful."

Iwaizumi expected Oikawa to fake surprise and to pretend he was offended. He was almost sure his friend would put his hand over his chest and blink three times, as if he was taken back by the affirmation. Even though the dark-haired male knew the brunet for years, his predictions weren't right. Oikawa simply sighed and leaned back, staring at the screen but not really watching what was on. He shrugged and smiled sadly. His smile didn't reach his eyes, which weren't the beautiful and shiny brown they used to be, they had lost color. The man ran his hand through his hair, which had already one or two white hairs, and adjusted his glasses.

"Well, it's not like I have the time to exercise, do I?"

Oikawa was certainly different. He was aging significantly and was becoming a completely different man from the carefree and cheerful young male he had been years ago. Iwaizumi couldn't be prouder of who his friend had become: a hard-working man, who gave up his love for volleyball so he could raise his son.

"I think you should get some help," Iwaizumi proposed.

"It's true that I'm not poor, but I can't just waste my money on a babysitter."

"No, not like that." He shook his head and turned off the TV so they could chat peacefully. "You should get a partner, someone that could help you financially and that could take care of Shōyō, when you can't do it. Someone like Yoshida-chan. Her boyfriend helps her take care of your kid, doesn't he?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes, like what his friend was saying was the most stupid thing in the world. "It's not that easy. It's not like I'm going to fall in love again that quickly. And how do I know that the person I like likes me back and wants to help take care of my son?"

"You think too much. God, you're really old. When was the last time you've even had sex?"

"I don't know. A while back, I guess."

"C'mon, man! If you don't relax a bit you're going to die soon and who'll take care of our little Shō-chan?"

And thus Oikawa spent his weekend just relaxing. He tried to loosen up and to have fun. He had a one night stand and didn't worry about it, nor did he think about his work. It felt great to relax once in awhile.


i have some art made by itsmyfridge on tumblr that i'll post on the previous chapters cause they are drawings of some scenes of chapter 2 and 3 (i think) and i forgot to post them. 

so please check it out


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