Alive and Recovering

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Keith smiled, rewinding the speech again. He had watched it live of course but since then he'd been rewinding Shiro's speech again and again.

His mother chuckled, still sitting on his right, "How many times are you going to watch this?" She teased.

Keith shrugged, focused on the speech again, "I don't know." If only she knew how many times he had mentally watched everything that involved Shiro after Kerberos.

The speech had just finished and Krolia had stolen the remote from Keith, intent on changing it, when the door opened.

Keith turned to see who it was, ready to snap at the doctor or nurse to get out but words died on his lips when Shiro entered, white hair gleaming in the light.

Keith didn't get to say anything as Shiro crossed the distance and enveloped him in a hug. The younger melted into the embrace, letting out a breath. Shiro was safe and here. Of course, he knew Shiro was safe - he had done the speech just an hour and a half earlier - but that was different than him being here.

Shiro pulled away after a few moments, though only far enough to meet his gaze, flesh hand coming to cup his cheek, "Don't you ever do that again." He breathed.

Keith gave a small smile, "No promises." He said softly. Shiro huffed, somewhere between amused and exasperated, resting his head on Keith's shoulder.

The Black Paladin smiled, "I'll try not to die though." He promised, wanting to reassure the older in some way.

Krolia chuckled, "Kolivan and I are going to go check on the Blades that came to assist in the rebuilding." Kolivan started to say something but one look from the Galra woman had him following her out of the room.

Shiro pulled away, cupping Keith's cheek, "I was so scared Keith."

For a moment Keith debated his options. He could point out that that was how he felt every time Shiro did something like that, or he could admit he had been scared to death as well but that's not what came out. "I know, and I never wanted to scare you Shiro. I wanted to protect you."

It was the truth, that was all Keith had ever wanted, was to protect the former Black Paladin. And here they were, despite all odds they were both here.

Shiro smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to Keith's lips for a moment before pulling away, leaving Keith to rush back to his senses as he spoke, "I know. I love you."

Keith stared for a moment, his brain struggling to process the information before it kicked back into gear, "I-I love you too."

Shiro smiled, chuckling, pulling away more. "Quizznack, when the Lions crashed I was scared for all of you but terrified of what I'd find in Black. They tried to stop me from going alone and so quickly, needless to say it didn't work."

Keith took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as Shiro sat fully on the bed, "I'll always come back Takashi." He promised, "No matter how many times I have to."

Shiro smiled warmly, "I hope you know I'll do the same." He murmured.

Keith smiled and nodded, "I do." He whispered, leaning his head on Shiro's shoulder, looking down and admiring his new arm. "I like the new one." He commented.

Shiro chuckled, smiling, "That's good."

Keith chuckled, "You need to stop trying to die on me." He teased, referencing the recent battle as well as the arm malfunction and all the other close calls.

Shiro chuckled, "Right after you."

The younger rolled his eyes and smiled, "So did you check on the others? How are they?" He paused, "I tried to go see them after I knew you were safe but the doctors wouldn't let me."

Shiro laughed, "Oh yeah! I found out about the stunt you tried to pull! Trying to fight your way out of the hospital to find me and only calming down once Krolia assured you I was fine." The older beamed at the blushing younger.

"I was worried." He defended lamely.

Shiro chuckled, "I know."

Keith shook his head, "What about the others?"

"They're all fine and with their families. I popped in to say hi to all of them on my way here. Thought you might want some company other than your mother and Kolivan."

Keith chuckled, capturing Shiro's lips again in a gentle kiss that he had to pull away from all too soon, "Yeah, this is nice." He agreed.

"How about as soon as the doctors clear you for it we can go see the others?" Shiro offered and Keith beamed, kissing him again.

"I could get used to this." He teased, snuggling closer to Shiro as the metal arm wrapped around him.

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