to the rescue

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heyo 151 reads i hope people are liking my late night rambles, I aim to please. goal for this one is to actually mention the avengers because I low key forgot about them sorry don't hurt me I mean well I swear

Steve had gotten up early this morning, it was hard to sleep at the bustling Avengers base. Especially with the majority of the residents being fitness nuts and insisting on visiting the gym at all hours of the night. Himself included, of course, but he would never let his workouts interfere with his sleep.

This morning he'd elected to clean up the base, to try and sort through all the super memorabilia that had been stowed away over time. Steve didn't have much else to do, what with not having a 9-5 or any world ending scenarios needing his attention, besides his super strength helped with the heavy lifting.

Most of it was in the basement, so that's where he started. It couldn't have been earlier than 6:00 when he made his descent into the dim room, making sure to flick the light switch on the way down. The walls were lined with boxes on top of boxes, shelves lined with files and souvenirs lit by the harsh fluorescent lights which were struggling to flicker on. Thick layers of dust adorned everything in sight, and the air was thick with it as well.

He passed the first couple of shelves and turned down one of the rows, which seemed to be filled with items of alien origin. They could've been from Earth, but they were surely nothing Steve had every laid eyes on before. Gray boxes glowing red from within, odd wooden shapes almost like spears, but with spikes sticking out in odd places; everything that he pulled out was stranger than the next. He put each into piles which he labeled in his head "Weapons", "Technology", and "Scraps".

The "Technology" category also doubled as the "I'll ask Tony about this later" pile, because for all he knew something that looked like an elite communication device could be just a fancy paperweight. Rows and rows of manual labor passed by in a heartbeat, but the loneliness started to get to him around seven, so he headed back upstairs to see if anyone was awake for breakfast, leaving the dingy basement only slightly more put together than he'd found it.

He heard some lighthearted conversation coming from the kitchen on his way up, and craned his ears to listen.

"Absolutely not! You're lying."

"I swear! Nat was there, you tell him!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

An offended gasp and some giggles escaped the lot as Steve walked in smiling.

"I see you guys are in a good mood."

Clint frowned. "Yeah I was." He shot a glare at Natasha, who just laughed some more.

"Has anyone made breakfast yet? I'm starving." Steve walked past Wanda and Thor, who were sitting on the other side of the table.

"No, but there's stuff to make waffles in the kitchen, if you want." Wanda responded hopefully, she'd clearly been waiting for some time for someone to make an offer.

"You're magic and you couldn't be bothered to make some waffles?" Steve teased making his way over to the pantry.

Wanda laughed, a recent change to her almost constantly grim attitude that lightened the hero's spirits. "It's just as much effort. Besides, you're strong, shouldn't it be easy?" She playfully shot back.

"Whatever. You better make something mind blowing tomorrow." Wanda grunted in acknowledgement, which Steve took as Fine, but get ready to hear me complain the whole time. She was still a kid, after all, and they do like to complain.

The conversation lit up again with Thor asking the others about their 'Midgardian Adventures', teasing the three about their 'petty squabbles' which he seemed to be thoroughly entertained by, almost equally entertained as they were retelling the stories.

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