one last fight

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people seemed to like the last chapter more than the recent ones probably because it took me way too long to get there, but I hope people continue to like it as much as they did that one!!!!

Tony was staring at Peter. He couldn't take his eyes off him. He was frozen. He thought he'd gotten a hold of himself after coming out of the elevator, but he was wrong. Nothing had changed. He was still a panicking useless mess who wasn't strong enough to move a muscle, but he still managed to squeak out a barely informative message over comms.

"Found him. Fifth basement. Hurry." There were only a couple affirmative words, not too much concern, but he could feel it emanating through the line. He couldn't move. Didn't turn around when he very distinctly heard footsteps reaching the door. But they weren't from the elevator, he never heard the inappropriately calm female voice announce a second arrival, they were coming from the other side.

His eyes felt as if they were glued forward. He couldn't turn his body as they kicked down the door, unnecessarily as he had left it idiotically unlocked behind him, he couldn't rip his glance away from the mangled body as the room was filled with unwanted presences. They immediately noticed Tony though, and pinned him against the wall, breaking his stare against his will.

His view was met with a masked, burly man, whose arm was single handedly holding the metal suit against the wall. He could've easily fought his way out, these men were no match for the iron man suit, but they didn't seem to understand that. He had to wait until the person he wanted walked in the door. Not for very long.

A silence fell over the once bustling room, leaving Tony glaring through his suit at the masked man as another walked right in, right where he wanted him. All at once he powered his suit up, flung the man pinning him out of the way, and punched his way through every man in the room except one. His metal fists changed against their armor, uselessly bulky only weighing them down, and despite being surrounded from all sides took down what seemed like five or six guards down in less than a minute.

Tony was panting when he thrusted himself at the new presence, knowing full well it was the boss, the man behind the atrocities he had witnessed. The panic had already been thoroughly replaced with an overpowering rage. He grasped the man by the neck and dragged him up the wall until he was a good foot above the ground. Only then did Tony speak, shaking with as little anger as his voice could muster.

"You will pay. For what you did to him." He gritted his teeth as he strengthened his grip, taking little notice as the elevator dinged a little way behind him. The man wriggled in his grip, not wanting his miserable life to end without any say.

"You—never—answered—us—" He choked in between gasps, and had the audacity to smile as the life started to fade from his eyes. With his final breath, he decided to spit in Tony's face once again. "We—keep—our—" The last word was so faint, so feeble as the last of his life was used to taunt the already suffering man. "Promises." At that the man slumped down in Tony's grip, leaving a sick grin on his lifeless face as the rest of the Avengers crowded into the room.

Tony didn't turn around as he dropped the body, his disgusting look palpable through the mask. He didn't speak to anyone, just stood and listened as the rest of them talked to one another.

They were restless. Too restless. Why weren't they helping Peter? Why weren't they panicking? What were they waiting for? He couldn't believe he'd been strong enough to put up with them for this long.

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