we need him alive

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so I'm writing this AN after the chapter instead of before like usual, because I feel like I took it too far like it's reeeeal painful, like I have a problem

so just, don't read if you're in a good mood?? I guess?? I don't know what's come over me I guess it really do be like that sometimes

Peter took a minute to take in everything around him. His eyes were so heavy that they were pulling themselves shut every time he tried so hard to wrench them open. His heavy lids obscured his other senses, but he took a whiff of the dense air around him. He was instantly filled with the dark scent of caves, basements, dank areas no human being would ever waltz into willingly.

He tried to turn over on what he was laying down on, but was stopped by the paralyzing pain which coursed through his being with such ferocity he thought he might just snap in half. He screamed in as much agony as he could muster with the weakness in his voice, but he still wasn't strong enough to open his eyes.

Everything felt like it had been obscured with a thick fog, one that made his objectives blurry. He wasn't sure about anything except the pain. The pain sharpest in his wrists, which felt like they had been restrained. He was cold. So cold that he felt like he would be nonstop shivering if the slightest pain didn't trigger the most brutal chain reaction. He called out for someone, but couldn't even hear what he had said, nor did he care enough to remember.

His mind was writhing around in his skull. Everything but his head had a blurry mind of its own, but his brain was restless, coursing through everything that was sharp enough to make out in the thick fog. He knew he shouldn't be here. He knew he was being held. He knew that it might not all be happily ever after.

A gush of air bombarded his face, sending warmth all down his spine and back again. He was relieved of the need to shiver, but it arose once more not out of the icy chill that filled the room but terrified anticipation. He didn't have the energy to scream out again, even though the pain stabbing at the fiber of his being seemed to be battling with the fog for dominance over his nerves.

Footsteps. He tugged at his eyelids to some avail, revealing a slit just big enough to reveal his company through bloody film. Seeing him didn't make any difference, his blurry mind made it endlessly difficult to put two and two together. There was someone there, but the details weren't coming together in Peters mind. He figured it didn't matter over the searing in his stomach that had just resurfaced. He tried to focus on that, but didn't have to try very hard.

"Look at the kid. Pathetic." Peter couldn't hear much of what they were saying, and he didn't care enough to try. He let himself slip back, no longer fighting the urge tugging at the back of his mind. His body limped a little bit in the restraints and he drifted away once again.

One of the men chuckled. They were in a dimly lit room, only refreshed by a faint lamp hanging from the ceiling bathing the room in a faded unsettling yellow. There were only two men in the large room, plus Peter, and they were both standing on the same side of the table the kid was strapped to accompanied by a tray of various sharp objects, none of which looked sanitary enough to be used.

One of the men made a movement to reach for a saw, almost humorously proportioned to the skinny teenager, but was slapped away much to his surprise.

"We have to wait."

"For what?"

"You know what."

The man groaned and shrugged off his arm, clearly disappointed. He slowly walked around to the other side of the table, all the while being eyed suspiciously as if looking away would immediately give him free evil reign. The guarding of the innocent child could not be at all mistaken with care, or even slight concern, but rather competitiveness. He would not let the other man torture this kid, not before he got his hands on him first.

The first man stopped walking and squatted down a little so his face was level with Peter's alarmingly still side. His breathing was so faint that it made no movement, much less a sound, only a raspy breath heard every once and a while if you were close enough to hear it. The man grinned snakily as his hungry eyes surveyed the struggle.

He thought for a minute as to how he felt, conflicting in his mind between bloodlust and fear. "Boss said he had to be alive." His eyes slithered back to the second more cautious man, still squatting down next to the table. "Didn't say nothing else."

The second man grinned as if he'd been told he won the lottery, but it faltered as his mind caught up to his excitement. "Nah, we can't do nothing until he says so." He too sauntered closer to the table, leaning so close that he was less than a foot away from Peter's neck. His eyes glittered with possibilities, each more gut wrenching than the next. That was the exciting part.

His face lit up again and he turned to the other, both were motivated by one upping the other through unspoken evil. "I guess just a couple wouldn't hurt." He snickered and reached for a scalpel, the other quickly gripping the bone saw he had his eyes on earlier. The two straightened up as to have a birds eye view of the poor boy, whose ripped clothes and frail body were pitiful. He was almost as motionless as if he were dead, but sadly he wouldn't get off so easy.

"Would you like to do the honors?" The second mans gaze drifted from his partner back to the boy, and raised his saw in anticipation, hungrily eyeing the exposed flesh. "My pleasure."

Peter drifted back into consciousness, and for a split second believed he was back home, the ceiling light of wherever he was so closely resembled the dim light in his bedroom back home. That second however was not long enough for him to prepare himself before his eyes were jerked open from the searing pain that jabbed into his stomach. He screamed with every ounce of his being, his throat felt as if it would rip apart right after his stomach did. It felt as if he were being sawed in half, and with a heavy jerk of his head towards his body, he was horrified to see he was right.

The pain soon blinded everything, took him back to that same place of pain where he was trapped with nothing but the terrible memories. Except now it wasn't memories. Now it was real. It was real pain as another cut, deeper and sharper, dug into his leg. He screamed in agony, but it did nothing to distract him. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe. Soon enough he couldn't even yell for he was too weak.

Another cut, blurring the lines between surface and internal. A slice, ripping into his legs. A searing ache in his side. A pain so sharp in his wrist he thought he might faint. But he couldn't. He had to fight through it, because his powers made it to hard to give up. He couldn't give up. He wanted to do badly, but he wasn't allowed to. He would do anything to succumb to the light. Just kill me, kill me, get it over with.

But no one was listening. The cold blade cut into him again and again. His insides screamed louder than his feeble voice ever could. It wouldn't stop. It couldn't stop. He couldn't give up. He wouldn't give up. But it would be so nice, no more pain, no more suffering.

Just kill me. Please. He screamed once more, the most he could muster. and then it all went dark.

um what the actual heckity heck this is depressing omg I need actual serious help I am legitimately sorry can I just say this was not my intention I apologize profusely for anyone who read this and is now sad. next chapter I am vowing for either a fluff flashback or happily ever after because this....was uncalled for. oh lawd

*also 200 reads on the first chapter and basically 1000 overall yayyayayayyayay I hope they don't all read this chapter oh god I'm adding 'v dark' to the description right now forgive me*

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