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~The next day~

Hoseok and I were awake without a problem. Although we stayed up late, we weren't quite as tired. I started making food for us. Then I felt arms wrapping around my waist. "What are you making?" Hoseok asked. "Do you remember what we ate together for the first time? I'm making that food we ate together," I answered. "Pancakes!" He happily shouted, and I nodded. "You're right," I said, as my attention was glued to the pan. "That day I was planning to just eat cereal, but then I went all out and made pancakes. I was so disappointed in myself," I laughed, and he laughed with me. "If it wasn't for that day, I wouldn't know you could cook," he pointed out. "During that time, I had no clue that I had feelings for you. I just felt like I wanted to be extra for you," I said. "I'm glad you were being extra," he replied, "I'm always extra, so we clearly belong together." Once the pancakes were done, both we sat down. "So what are we doing again?" I asked, forgetting. "Uh... we were planning to take a walk in nature, and then hike up a mountain before the sunsets," he answered. "And at night?" I asked. "We'll back home, since we'll probably be worn out after hiking," he answered. I nodded, as I ate the pancakes.

~After a while~

When Hoseok parked the car, we got out. "I heard that there's a bridge that we need to cross," he said. "A bridge, really?" I asked rather excited. Then we were surrounded by nothing but trees. "Look," I said, as I pointed up a tree. Hoseok looked around to see what I was pointing at. "It's a bunch of birds, listen," I said, and we fell quiet. The birds were chirping a soft melody, harmonizing with one another. "This is the best of BTS," I joked, making Hoseok laugh. Then he started to move ahead, and I followed behind him. "Snake!" he said, nearly jumping out of his skin. I laughed and looked at the snake, who peacefully slithered pass. Ever since that one time a humongous snake was placed on Hoseok's shoulder, he's been afraid of snakes. I couldn't blame him, but I knew that snakes only attack when they felt threatened. I looked behind me to see Hoseok. "You'll be okay," I laughed, as I held my hand out to him. He took my hand. I forgot that there were some cameras following behind us, so when I turned around I got a bit scared. But soon, I remembered they were following behind to record us. Soon Hoseok was leading once more, the beauty of nature surrounded us. It felt like the old me, I was sucked into the beauty of nature. Nature was once more by my side, guiding me through every aspect of it. Melodies from birds twirled around me, a lightly breeze past me, the sun glared down at me with a smile, and the leaves rustled as a breeze past by it. "A bridge!" Hoseok shouted before releasing my hand, and running to the bridge without me. I quickly followed him. As we stepped onto the bridge, the wind started blowing, making the bridge rock from side to side. He immediately clenched onto the rope provided on the bridge. "Don't drop the camera!" I quickly said, taking the camera from Hoseok. This was the camera where all the recording was in- we can't lose it.

~After a few minutes~

As we were drawing near the end, a hiking trail could clearly been seen ahead. The entire walk was nice. "What time is it?" I asked, and Hoseok checked his phone. Then he looked up at the sky, trying to find the sun. "It looks like the sun is about to set," he said, pointing at the sun. I looked over to where he was pointing. "You're right, let's go hike!" I shouted. As we were hiking up, we found a waterfall, and a river blocking us from going to the other side. There were rocks forming a path for us to go on. Hoseok started walking across the path without fear. "Don't slip," I warned, as I started to step on the rock. Suddenly, a rush of water ran past my feet, causing me to slip. "Careful," Hoseok said, as he caught me. "I think I should be telling you to be careful," he laughed. He intertwined his fingers with mines, and started to lead me to the other side. Once we reached the other side, we waited for the camera people to cross the path. When they reached us, we continued the hike until we officially reached the end.

Before I knew it, we reached the end of the trail. Hoseok and I went to the railing, and watched as the sun started setting. "This reminds me of that one time when we were hanging out with us. You know, when we were playing tag and I ran after you," he reminded me. "Then you slipped," he chuckled at the memory. "I honestly thought you would continue running because I was it," I said honestly. Hoseok shook his head. "What kind of person would I be if I decided to do that?" he asked, and I shrugged. "Playing tag back then made me remember my past, but I'm glad that you came back for me," I said. When the sun was at the horizon, the colors blended together, making the sky look more beautiful. Before I knew it, the sun was no where to be seen. The sky changed into a dark blue. "We should head back before it gets too dark for us to see," Hoseok said, grabbing my hand and leading me. I happily followed behind him. This moment wasn't just for us to hang out, but for us to relive the past. It was like we were watching our past, laughing and having conversations about things we experienced together. "I'm honestly so glad that I meet Hoseok, and the others... who knows where I'll be if I didn't meet the people who changed me, and the one who changed me," I thought, as I looked at Hoseok.

For the rest of the night, we sat around and talked to the others. Then we agreed that, for tomorrow, we'll go to the amusement park at night. Then during the day, we'll just hang out at the apartment.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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