Chapter 3- Shopping

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Ayesha's POV

“Ayesha, Ayesha! Wake up. Wake up!!!”

“Let me sleep mom, i’m extremely tired!”

“I am not your mom! Idiot! It’s me Ruqaiyya! Now get up! We’re getting late! We have to go to the mall!”

“But we were supposed to go on Saturday!” I replied while getting up and rubbing my eyes.

“Oh Allah! Ayesha, today is Saturday! Which world are you living in?!” Ruqaiyya replied

“What?!’m so lost.” Woah! Saturday came so soon! I can’t believe it!

“You and your dream world.” Ruqaiyya said while rolling her eyes. Now go get ready! We don’t have time!”

“Ok fine, I am going!” I replied as i got up and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower

I quickly got ready and headed downstairs where Ruqaiyya, Razia and Ameena were waiting for me. I wore a black simple abaya which had red and white beads on the sleeves with a flowery headscarf which was red and purple in colour.

Ruqaiyya wore blue denims with a pink long top with a black headscarf. Raziya wore a beautiful pink-yellow long dress along with a  shocking pink headscarf. Ameena on the other hand, wore a black-gold abaya with a beaded black headscarf. We all wore our clothes decently with only our face, hands and feet showing.


Ahmed’s POV

“Hamza please! Not today. I am not in a mood!” I said to Hamza as I scanned the fridge for a snack.

“Dude please! I need to get new shoes! Just look at my shoes! I look like a begger or something!  And my car is in repairs! Please!” Hamza replied as he showed me his torn shoes.

“Uggh fine!  We’ll got to the CT shopping centre. Happy?” I said as i grabbed 2 apples from the fridge and handed one to Hamza.

“Thanks dude!”

When we reached the mall, Hamza left and went to different shops to find the perfect shoes for him, leaving me all alone. Since I was here, I decided to go the supermarket in the mall to buy some chocolate cake. My favorite cake is black forest. I was craving for cake since yesterday.

Ayesha’s POV

After 20 minutes we reached the mall which was called  “The CT shopping centre.”

There were all type of sellers there. Some sold only islamic clothing while others sold indian clothes. Some sold western outfits, some were shoe shops, some were restaurants. The mall was incredible huge and contained escalators and lifts too!

This is one of my favourite malls! I have been here countless times and have never returned home empty handed.

One of the most amazing things about this mall is that it has a seperate area for ice skating! Sounds cool right? But unfortunately I don’t have the guts to get in there! I am afraid I might bump someone and they may end up with a broken hand or a broken nose or something!

“Hey let’s go ice skating!” Ameena squeeled with an excited grin on her face.

“Yeah let’s go! I am an expert in ice skating!” Razia exclaimed

“Guys, you can go. I am going to get myself an ice cream!” I said.

“Okay then, come back soon!” Ruqaiyya replied.

I came out of the ice cream shop with my favorite vanilla ice cream cone. Yummy! I was literally drooling! I was on my way to ice skating area and was about to taste my yummy vanilla ice cream when I bumped into someone! Uggh nowadays people don’t watch where they walk. I looked at my ice cream cone and it was......empty?!! What the.....! “Where on earth is my ice cream?!” I said loudly without looking up at the person who was in front of me. Just then I noticed that people were looking at me with amused expressions.

What? It was my favorite ice cream! It disappeared. What else could be my reaction?

I looked up to see the person in who I just collided into and saw my ice cream was on his...........beard?!! WHAT? How did that happen?!

I stared at him for a few seconds and burst out laughing! Oh my! The sight of him was extremely hilarious! I tried to control my undying laughter and failed terribly! Oops! This is kind of rude but he looks so funny! I can’t help it! Don’t blame me! If only he was healthier and  had a red cap with a bag full of presents, he would totally look like santa claus!  His beard looked as white as snow, thanks to my delicious vanilla ice cream. That thought made me laugh even more!

I immediately stopped laughing when I noticed the way he was looking at me. He looked at me tight-lipped and  his expression was a mask of suppressed rage. His forehead was slightly creased. I am so screwed! He had olive skin and his deep brown eyes, the colour of melted chocolate stared deep into my soul.

I immediately lowered my gaze. Oh Allah, what was I doing?!

“I..I....I am extremely sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed at you like that. But I couldn’t help it. The sight of you was...i mean IS hilarious.” I let out a giggle at that. “I am so sorry!” and with that I hurriedly ran towards the ice skating area before he could even say anything leaving him rooted the spot and dumbfounded.

He must be thinking I’m so dumb and crazy. I just made a fool out of myself there! That was so embarassing!

Ahmed’s POV

I was on my way to the supermarket when I ran into a foolish girl. Yes foolish. These girls nowadays don’t watch where they’re going!

 I mean she just shoved that ice cream in my beard! Ok well ACCIDENTALLY shoved ice cream in my beard but still! I mean seriously?!

I looked at her standing in front of me laughing like there’s no tomorrow! I can’t believe she had the audicity to laugh right into my face!

She had peaches and cream complexion and hazel eyes.

She stood there laughing at me for minutes that seemed like hours! People stopped by us, watching with amused expressions and they all let out a giggle and some roared with laughter. Great! Her laughter just invited more people to stare at me! This girl is impossible! After minutes of laughing she finally spoke up. Finally! I was waiting for Her Higness to just speak up so that I could just run away from this scene! I didn’t want to create more drama.

“I..I....I am extremely sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed at you like that. But I couldn’t help it. The sight of you was...i mean IS hilarious.” “I am so sorry!” Her Highness said.

Seriously, did I look that funny? I was about to speak up but she ran away before I could! Crazy girl!

I hurried to the bathroom to wash away the stupid ice cream on my beard which definitely made me look like an old man. I stared at myself in the mirror and well, guess what? I felt the urge of laughing at my own face! No wonder people were looking at me amused and laughing like idiots. I shook my head and smiled at that thought.

My anger soon faded away. I couldn’t blame the girl that was laughing at me. I would’ve done the same thing if I was in her shoes. I quickly washed away the ice cream.

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