Chapter 4- Ice Skating

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“Ahmed!” I heard someone calling me. I turned around to see Hamza standing with a plastic bag with a box inside. Guess he finally found his perfect shoes!

“Hey bro, found the shoes?”

“Yeah! I bought a pair of white tekkies! I love it!”

“Great! Anything else you want to get before we go home?”

“Not really, just want to go ice skating! Dude I love ice skating! Let’s go ice skate!”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same. Guess great minds really do think alike!” I replied with a chuckle.

“By the way, why does your beard look wet?” Hamza ask. I just wished he didn’t ask that.

“Long story.”

“Tell me! I want to know!”

Well he won’t leave this topic so I finally told him.

“Really?!” He replied after I narrated the whole incident to him. By the look on his face, I could tell that he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

“Dude, just let it out.” I said with a sigh.

Well, then what? He obviously couldn’t control his laughter and started laughing hard. This was exactly what I expected. I rolled my eyes.

He finally calmed down and spoke up. “Dude! I want to meet that girl right now!” He said with a bark of laughter. “Seriously though, why do all cool things happen when I’m not there! I could’ve taken an amazing shot of that scene with my awesome phone.” I just stared at him irritated.

After a while, we walked into the ice skating area. Well, not to brag or anything but to be honest, I am a pro at ice skating!

Without another thought, Hamza and I both wore our skates and started ice skating.

“Let’s race! What say?” Hamza asked with a grin on his face. Welll, that grin won’t last long Hamza. You’re going to lose!

“Why sure!” I replied with a smirk.

“1, 2, 3...go!” and that marked the beginning of our race.

“Hamza and I started with full force and skated past all the hurdles, I mean people.

Ayesha’s POV

“Hey Aysh! What took you so long?” Ameena questioned as I reached the ice skting area.

I remembered the ice cream incident and let out a soft giggle.

“Well, actually, I bumped into this muslim guy and my ice cream got onto his beard!” I said. Ameena, Ruqaiyya and Raziya looked at me with amused and impatient expressions and I started narrating the whole incident. “So I was on my way to the ice skating area with my delicious vanilla ice cream in my hand...............................................................................................................................................................And that’s what happened."

And obviously they all laughed!

“OMG!” they said all together.

“Poor guy!” Raziya replied.

“Well that is one really hilarious story!” Ruqaiyya replied.

“Yeah it really is! You should hear what just happened with Raziya!” Ameena said while giving Raziya an evil laugh.

“Shut up Ammu! It’s nothing funny Ayesha.”

“Oh yeah?” Ruqaiyya said

“Come on guys, spill the beans. Tell me what happened!”

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