Chapter 5

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   Ello my derps! It’s what I’m calling my fans now. I’ve updated and I’m actually really content with this chapter. Hopefully you guys will feel the same. Also I’m thinking about putting my story in the 1D watty awards. Should I? If I do will you guys pretty please vote for me? I’m dedicating this chapter to Mikilovesyouu99 because she was my first commenter! To the side is a pic of Harry Styles’s awesome tattoo. Not only is it Joc’s inspiration but mine as well. So I will try to update whenever I can. Love you my derps and never stop derping around!

~Jojo XD


~*Joc’s POV*~

  If it weren’t for his heart to heart conversation with me I would be on my way home. Harry Styles reminded me why I was here in the first place. I was here to win this audition to show everyone that could do this. That, I Jocelyn Davis wasn’t a nobody but a somebody. I would make everyone that told me otherwise eat their words. Now was my time to shine.

   I raced back to the auditorium with an ocean of thoughts swimming through my mind.

   What if they say no to let me compete again? What if they dialed the cops on me? What if they laugh and tell me to go home?

  God there’s so many damn what if’s that it’s going to make my head split. I was approaching the doors to the auditorium with my heart doing insane back flips. This is it once I open these doors there’s no turning back. I must face this no matter what happens I will.

  “Won’t stop till we surrender” I muttered reciting Harry’s motivational tattoo like a prayer.

   A confident smile appeared on my lips and I opened the door facing my biggest fear head on.

    I knew there was a possibility with me being denied another chance but I had to try. If I didn’t then I will never know if I could have made it or not. Everyone turned to look at me most with disbelief while others with nerve. I ran straight up to Simon ignoring my racing heart and people’s judgmental stares.

 “I want a second chance!” I said sounding very sure of myself.

   Behind him I saw Louis bit his lip apprehensively and the rest of the guys turned to gawk. All of their expressions screamed worry besides Louis’s who just only read absolute terror.

 “Where’s Harry?” asked Liam running up to me and shaking my shoulders.

 “Is he ok?” said Zayn joining with the shaking the heck out of my shoulders.

 “Yes” I escaped their forceful hands so they would no longer shake me.

  “Then where is he?” spoke Niall gloomily.

   I shrugged my slightly sore shoulders wishing I knew.

  “I have no…”

  “I’m right here” said a familiar deep voice.

   I whirled around to see Harry Styles grinning proudly at me. Immediately Niall, Liam, Zayn and even a grouchy Louis tackled him into a bear hug. I wanted to hug him too and to tell him thanks for the advice. But I thought better of it. If I hugged him I probably wouldn’t let go and that would definitely raise suspicion.

   And I didn’t want people to know that Harry was the reason why I was staying. For some reason I just felt like keeping that piece of information personal.

 “Joc what are you doing here?” ordered Simon marching up to me and flashing me a firm frown.

  I gulped all my courage and explanation vanishing.

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