I ➵encounter

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2 Years Ago


Gonna paint it red

Get inside your head

Like a Demon for hire

Playing with fire.

"Hailey Diamond Fray! Mom called you down for dinner like twenty minutes ago. What are you doing anyway?" My sister asked me as knocked my headphones out of my ear.

"Training. You know I have to take my tests for martial arts tomorrow." I answered her.

"Okay, well could you please hurry it up? Simon and I want to leave but mom said we have to wait for you."

"Yeah, sure. I'll put my dream on hold because you want to go to some dumb club and try to get wasted with those fake ID's."

"Whatever. Please, let's go."

She walked out of the room and I threw my headphones to the side. I grabbed my sweat towel and wiped my face.

My eyes flash to the window as I see a blur of black and a bright hazel.

"What the hell...?" I opened my window and seen a man, sitting on my damn roof.

I grabbed my blade and hopped up from the window silt, pushed the window open and grabbed onto the circular window. I hopped up to the roof and finally saw the man.

He was around 6 foot tall, I really couldn't tell because of the slanted roof. He had dark raven hair and his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful hazel. I could get lost in his eyes, but I'm not dumb. I've never gotten distracted by anything. One of the many, many perks of learning martial arts.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing watching me?!" I yell towards the beautiful man.

He just stood there. Like a fucking idiot. Why do the cute ones always gotta be dumb?

"I asked you a fucking question! Why are you stalking us?!" I yelled louder as I walked closer.

As I walked closer I could see the tattoos on his body. I stalked behind him, waiting for a opportunity to attack. As I finally got behind him, he turned around and held a blade to my throat.

Not just any old fucking blade.

A seraph blade


A smirk grew on his face as he pressed the blade against my throat.

"Go ahead, kill me. You think I don't know about the Clave and their rules? Try me honey, I know a lot more than you think."

He tilted his head slightly in confusion and I took the time to knee him in the stomach and grab the blade before it reached the floor. The blade glowed lighter than it did with him and then ignites into a liquid gold flame. Although it intrigued me, I needed to focus on the task at hand and finish the job.

"What are you?" He asked in fear.

"Leave. Now."

"You're letting me go?"

"I'm trying to. You're not making it easy."

"Alec!" I heard another voice yell.

He jumped up and jumped off the roof. I went back inside and started to take a shower.

Only one thought came across my mind.

Is he single?


"Jocelyn, I'm begging here. Don't make me go with them." I asked my so called mother.

"You already know my answer. Do something worthwhile and take care of your sister."

"So my training isn't worthwhile? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Not necessarily. But your sister is more important."

"Of course she is. She always is! What about me?!"

"You made your choice awhile ago. The only reason I keep you around is because of Clary."

"You know what? Screw you, screw Clary, and screw protecting either of you! You guys only ever cared about yourselves! And it's time I started caring about me." I walked out of the house and went out onto the only place I knew...

The streets

Yeppppp. As you can already tell, I'm not really following the script. But everything will fall into place soon enough.

Anyways chapters are coming. Thanks for reading the prologue and I swear it will make sense later.

P.S Clary is 16 in this chapter and Hailey is 18. Just throwing that out there.

Love y'all💞

Word Count: 716
Written: August 12, 2018

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