Chapter 8 - editing

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Today’s is my first day at school in Mystic Falls and I’m too excited for tomorrow the day Klaus will be in the dirt this time.

“Rosie, Tyler’s here” Klaus shouted from down the hall, Tyler walked into my bedroom and jumped onto my messy bed.

Tyler turned his head to face me “why do you take so long?” he asked rolling his eyes while watching me.

I was standing in front of my mirror, my golden brown hair was let loose and my natural waves made me look a bit older, My blue-ish green eyes made me look care-free while my outfits told me fun but child-ish. I wore my jeans short shorts, my old Feeder t-shirts, black converse and to top my outfit I wore my lather jacket to give me the ‘cool’ but ‘don’t bitch with me’ look.

Grabbing my backpack from the ground, turning around to face Tyler I used some off my power to push him off my bed.

Once Tyler was on the ground he screamed like a little girl “you bitch” he says getting up, before he could hurt me I ran out of my room; down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen Tyler who was right behind me put his arms around my waist and though me over his shoulders; “I need to have my breakfast” I say giggling.

“You just scared the living shit out of me, no way am I letting you have breakfast now” Tyler says in a strong manly voice.

I stop giggling once he told me I can’t have any breakfast “Tyler Lockwood if you don’t let me down in five second, I will kill you” I say trying to be mad. Once he put me down Tyler still had his arms around my waist “let’s go out for breakfast” he says winking at me.

Let me think he has a girlfriend and he flirting with me and I have be giggling; shit I don’t want to be that kind of girl who takes other people’s boyfriends HELL NO.

I raised my eyebrows at him “Erm you still have you hands on my waists” I say taking a step back; but Tyler just sneered at me.

I moved his hands from my waist and turned to face the house until I saw Elijah leaning against the door frame watching us; I ran up to the front door to Elijah and kissed his cheek and said by goodbyes.

Elijah put his mouth next to my left ear and whispered “be careful around Tyler”; I move my head to face Elijah while raising my eyebrows at him this time.

Half an hour later I was in the car with Tyler driving to school, nerves starting to build up everyone me. What if I don’t make any friends? What if they all hate me? What if I bump into Stefan?

“Your going to be fine, drink up your coffee before it get’s cold” Tyler says taking one of his hands on the wheel then placing it on my knee. I feel loads of shivers once Tyler touches me.  

Tyler parks his car on the right side of the car park “Thanks” I say after I rush out the car. I watch Tyler jump out the car as well “need any help just find me” he says and then disappears.

‘He could of help me find my way to the school office’ I though to myself. I made myself out of the car park into the school grounds “Nice arse” a guys shout behind; a small smirk appeared across my face then the same guy who shouted ‘Nice arse’ came a slapped it. I turned and slapped the guys across the face “dick” I muttered; the guys looked like hell. He had black circle around his eyes, a tanned wore-out look with his left cheek red with my hand print.

Everyone started to round a circle around us “dam girl, you know you want a bit of me” he says coming a bit closer towards me. I quickly take a step back “aw sweetie don’t be scared” he says, I take step closer toward and put my arms around his neck “aw baby” I say. I lean closer to him and quickly knee him in the balls and move back and watch he falls.

Everyone starts cheering for me but I just walked away to find my way towards the school offices. I could feel someone starting to walk right next to me “need any help?” Stefan says putting his arm around me.

“I’m fine thanks” well not really fine because I don’t where I’m going “you should be going back to Elena, she making holes at the back my head” and with that I walked faster to find the office.

Five minutes it took me to find the where I was going “Hey, I’m Rosie Mikaelson; I’m new here” I say shyly. The middle age woman didn’t even look at me she just past me my papers like I wasn’t even there; how rude.

I stood there trying to open my school locker so I could put the books I got from the school library; ‘fuck it’ I though I used my magic to open it. I smiled when the locker opened for me I slowly put my books in.

I walk into History where a middle age man with great blonde-ish brown hair was standing there teaching “sorry I’m late, I got lost” I say shyly.

“Its fine” he says nodding his head then he continues speaking “everyone this is Rosie Mikaelson” then he turns to me “and I’m Alaric Saltzman, you may call me Alaric or Rick up to you I don’t mind and please take a seat next to Mr. Donovan please.”

I turn to find who Mr. Donovan was I turn to face the class when a tall handsome guy stand ups and waves his hand to me. He had pale lovely skin, blonde short messy hair with peach coloured lips; he had the jock look wearing light green t-shirt with some jeans and a blue jacket.

I looked around the class room again when my eyes met Elena’s, god really she needs to be in this class; making my way toward Mr. Donovan I should really find out his name.

I took a seat to next to him what was right at the back of the class room, I turned to my left to face him “Hey, I’m Matt” he says before I could say hi to him.

Alaric and I made eye contact “since we have a new student, how about you introduce yourself Rosie” he says looking at me.

My eyes widen really want do I say, “Erm well I’m from Atlanta, My parents passed away and now living with my uncle’s.” I say quickly then looking at my desk.

Alaric looks a me “I’m sorry about your lost.”

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