Chapter 1, Louis' Acting Debut

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Brooklyn's POV

"Good morning America, today we've got some news for you! Louis Tomlinson decided to go down the acting road, he's kick starting his acting debut on a massive tv show right here in America!"

"Oh my god Brooke imagine if he appears on Drama School with you!" Niall gasped out his gasping words in his seat unable to wrap his head around what we were told.

Niall is a huge fan of this Louis guy. When I say a huge fan I mean HUGE fan!

"Ni, the host never said anything about a tv show in LA. He said America. Plus I doubt it, why would he want to be apart of a teen show?" I bluntly replied as I gazed out of the window thinking nothing of it.

"Brooklyn! Why the hell aren't you excited? I swear if he's on your show. I. WILL. PASS. OUT." Niall blurted out his thoughts as he jumped around in his seat being overly excited as he drove.

"Niall, don't lose control of the wheel. I need you as my taxi driver." I awkwardly threw in a light laugh in my response.

"Brooke, why can't you just drive your own car? I've been driving you to work and back for about a month now." He questioned with a whining tone as he parked outside the studio while I giggled softly to myself.

"Because you love me and my company, Ni boo." I immediately jumped out of the car after my reply as I wanted to have the last word.

Once I reached the entrance door I slowly turned around seeing Niall's face displaying embarrassment as he shot back, "You own me one! Brooky boo don't call me that! We're not 5 anymore. We're 26."

"You secretly love it. Don't you dare call me that!" I pointed my finger as I playfully downed my eyes at him.

"You secretly love it." He mocked my previous comment before driving away with the last word.

I lightly laughed to myself as I headed into the building until I shut myself off once I heard a yelp behind me when I closed the door.

I just hit someone with the door!

I immediately turned around to open the door for the mysterious man who I've never seen in the work place before, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I should've let you know I was behind you." I heard the man's strong British accent that did hit hard.

"Your. Accent." I breathed out my response as I just stared at the poor guy who stood there awkwardly until he grew into a smug smirk, "Your. Accent ." He threw back a mocking a reply in a fake American accent once he pulled a smug smirk.

Did he just-

I just froze on my tracks trying to acknowledge what was happening, the mocking man just stood before me with his smug smile thinking he did something while I just glared at him until I crushed his smug smile with, "your American accent was far off."

"Your American accent was far off." He threw back his mocking tone which led me roll my eyes in annoyance, "I don't sound like that."

I soon found myself giving him a deep observation him as he spoke his next words, I wanted to figure out where I seen this dude from... young British guy who's so damn cocky?

He looks familiar... but somehow I couldn't put a name to his face.

I'm so bad at remembering peoples faces....

My thoughts were soon shut off by the guy's smug response, "take a picture it'll last longer."

I snapped my eyes away from him as I cleared my throat acting like I haven't been staring at him for the past minute, "so you can actually hold an conversation? ....Anyway, I'm Brooklyn, but my friends call me Brooke." I introduced myself to ease away from the awkwardness.

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