Chapter 4, Script Change

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-The Next Day-

Brooklyn's POV

I was rudely awoken up by someone forcefully shaking me to wake up as their blasting words run through my ears, "Brooklyn wake up!"

I adjusted my eyes on the figure stood before me slowly making out it was a smug Louis so I forcefully shoved him away with my extreme annoyance that brewed within, "don't you ever do that again!"

He snickered out his apology as I gazed over to my bedside table realising my phone was missing, "where's my phone?! I need to know the time!" I frustratedly exploded which immediately shut Louis' snickers off so he could drag me out of bed realising that we were running late! "I just remembered why I woke you up, it's 20 to 9 which means we got 20 minute to get to work. Go get ready!"

I pulled out his touch with my whinge of a reply, "are you kidding meeeee? Great we're going to be lateeeee." I sleepily stumbled my way over to my closet to grab some clothes.

It took me ten minutes to get ready as I had a quick five minute shower which led me to brush my teeth for two mins and two minutes to change as I was just too tired to do anything.

I never do my hair and make up when I had work because I had Leah to do all that as Ashley's make up and dress sense is far diffident from mine.

What I did need to do was dry my wet hair because I couldn't stand wet hair especially if I had to go out,

When I opened my onsite bathroom door I found myself making contact with Louis who was sitting on my chair just waiting for me.

He knew I was about to grab the hair dyer so he rushed over to my dresser before I could. "Brooke no, we don't have time we got to leave now!"

"But my hair is-" before I could finish my sentence he shut me off by dragging me out the room, "I know your hair is wet. Your stylist can sort that out. Now c'mon!"

"I need to feed-" once again before I could finish he cut me off with an surprising reply, "I fed Hurricane for you. By the way, you don't need Niall to drive you to work. Considering we're going to the same place, I can drive us."

I was taken aback which led me to freeze on my tracks as I locked on a matured Louis who was leading the way to the front door until I snapped out of it as we're running late.

I somehow found myself sitting in the passenger's seat with my wondering thoughts that needed to be put at ease, "hey um, strange question but do you have an American drivers license? Friendly reminder we drive on the right side."

"I passed a few weeks ago so don't worry your pretty head.... however, I only driven this car twice so technically this is my first time if you don't count driving lessons." He nervously informed as he pulled out of his drive way without checking his mirrors!

Knowing that something could potentially happen I double checked to see if my seatbelt was secure,

"Don't worry, you're in safe hands." He assured with an incoming smirk as he put his foot down being so careless!

"We're. Gonna. Die!" I exploded my horrified thoughts as I covered my eyes with my hands as I couldn't bare to face what was going to happen.

"We're here. I hope I don't get a fine." He nervously spoke out his worries as I gradually peeped through the gaps seeing we were parked outside the studio so I slowly released my hands from my eyes seeing the car was still on one piece.

I soon made eye contact with a smug looking Louis who glared at me with his snarky attitude, "you seriously thought I was some reckless driver. Shows how much you trust me... I told you you were in safe hands didn't I? Anyway, feels like now is the time to tell you: We're late but it doesn't matter."

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