Chapter 6, Football/Soccer Game Tickets

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Right as I was about to pop out my own car Brooklyn's phone grabbed my immediate attention with its bing, it lit up with James' message that flooded my mind with extreme worry over her safety,

Unknown: I see you're still obsessed with your soccer. I watched this clip of you and some guy playing soccer on some other guy's Instagram. It was all over the news. I know that guy who you were playing with, Niall is obsessed with him right? That British singer, Louis Tomlinson? I wanted to know what you were doing with some British singer so I searched him up, I saw an recent article saying how decided to try something new. He's on some teen show so I decided to look that up, there you were with the guy that did that IG live, Liam Payne. Turns out the show is filmed in LA and his IG Story was filmed in LA too... I told you you could run but you can't hide. Suppose you being famous helped a little.

Brooklyn's POV

Niall and I were enjoying our Ben and Jerry's ice cream while watching classic throwback movies, like mean girls until we got rudely interrupted by someone constantly banging on my front door, my mind jumped to the thought of JAMES! He found me!

Niall noticed that my mood immediately switched from being cheerful to horrified within seconds so he grew in serious concern, "what's up?"

"James." I muttered under my breath struggling to express my thoughts that were consuming my mind.

I don't think Niall heard as he wondered his question as he gradually made his way over to the living room door to stick his head around the corner, "are you expecting anyone?"

I just softly spoke out a 'no' for the answer as I brought my knees up to my chest trembling in fear thinking about James, he's got unfinished business... I'm a dead woman!

"It's Louis!" I heard Louis' assuring exclaim as he continued to loudly knock being inpatient.

"Tomlinson." I softly sighed of relief to myself as I brought my knees down knowing I was free from James for a while.

Knowing that Louis was here my mind was put to ease, I felt safe around both him and my best friend so I started to calm down while Niall rushed to the front door,

Once Niall greeted Louis at the front door I heard a pair of impatient foot steps came rushing through the hall, "Brooke.... I..... got.... to.... tell.... you.... something..." Louis leaned his shoulder against door frame stumbling over his words in a worry which was concerning..... I could see the fear held within is eyes....

My observation was soon shut off by a oblivious Niall who dashed into the room collapsed on the couch with a pack of popcorn, "Oh my god! Louis is going to confess his love for you!"

Louis and I darted our eyes over to Niall firing our annoyance by exclaiming, "Niall shut up!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance before I turned back to face Louis to ask an important question as his worry could be linked to that, "did you find a way to sort our situation?" Referring to the kiss scene. I couldn't bring myself to say anything in front of Niall as doesn't even know about it.

If we told him we wouldn't hear the end of it...

"No not yet. I just came to.... borrow some milk." He nervously mentioned covering up what was going on... I saw the worry he held!

"He needs some milk." Niall quoted a vine saying how it was said as I giggled softly for my reaction due to how random he is until awkward silence filled the air, during that awkward silence I rose my eyebrow at Louis hinting that I know that's not what he wanted.

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