Chapter 7, Special Guests At Work

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It has been 10 minuets since I last saw Louis. The game just finish so I had to walk to the car all alone whilst being alerted with my surroundings. I should be jumping around in joy because my team won but I was here alone in a panic thinking about James...

I can't believe Louis ditched me like that.... actually I can believe it....

I was making my way over to Louis' car until someone tapped my shoulder which sent a cold shiver down my spine...

James... he.... he found... me...


Continuing in Brooklyn's POV

"There you are." I heard Louis' British accent echoed through my ears which sent a safety signal through me, I sighed of relief being relieved it was Louis... until I turning around to snap at him, "Louis! Where have you been?!"

After witnessing his taken aback expression I took a deep breath to calm down so I could apologise, "I'm sorry for snapping. I just thought-" before I could carry on my apology he cut me off with his own apology, "you don't have to apologise, I do.... I went to the loo then I saw that lady again so I had a chat with her and guess what-" he cut himself off as he waved a piece of paper with a number written down in front of my face.

"You got her number?" I sarcastically gasped being surprised as a faint smug smirk slowly appeared on his face, "Are you jealous?"

I just snorted out a laugh as he budged past me to head over to his car being so smug with himself so I swiftly followed sarcastically declaring out, "I am so jealous! You can't do this to me!"

"Just say the words then I'm all yours baby." He stood at the driver's door sending a cheeky wink my way which only lead me to roll my eyes in pure disgust before I hopped into the car, "gross, please don't do that again."

As Louis set off the drive my phone lit up with a text message from Niall,

As Louis set off the drive my phone lit up with a text message from Niall,

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"Harry told Niall about our game. Niall knows it was a prank and he's not pleased. He came up with a ship name for us too... I was hoping it wouldn't came down to this.... Louis, he knows I have feelings for you." I breathed out facing him holding a serious tone and expression.

After comprehending my words he stopped dead on the break, which was quite dangerous but because his reaction and face was priceless I burst out in uncontrollable laugher, "you fallen for it again!"

He hugely sighed in relief for his relieved reaction, "I was going to jump out the car to run to the hills."

Once we finally arrived at Louis' house I somehow persuaded him come with me back to mine as I didn't want to face both of the boys alone, Harry thinks Louis and I were in relationship and he cheated on me.... Niall knows it was a prank but he's raging because we played with his 'Louook' heart...

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