Chapter 23, It's Official! (Last Chapter)

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We lost sight of him when we made it outside as there were a bunch of fans and paps surrounding us,

I looked up at Louis whispering out, "so how are we going to explain our current situation?"

"I could just tell them I was carrying my girlfriend down the stairs because her idiot best friend stole her crutches." He whispered down at me with playful smirk.







Continuing in Brooklyn's POV

Louis placed me down gently on the ground while everyone just came closer surrounding us breaking us apart to the point I lost Louis into the crowd. I heard him call for me as he budging through the Crowd so he could get me and my broken leg out the situation.

We both sat in Louis' car while everyone surrounded the car with their phones and cameras taking photos of us whilst banging on the windows.

"How did they know we were at the studio?" Louis breathed out his question while I just shrugged being overwhelmed in emotion.

The discussion was soon intruded by Louis' phone grabbing our attention, "hello?.... okay, we're on our way right now."

"We need to go to the HQ as my manager has some news about how they found us. Apparently someone leaked our location." Louis informed as he pulled out our parking spot once the coast was cleared by security.

Somehow my mind lead me to think about Ni...


We were now sat in the office being shown a tweet from Niall, "this guy knew exactly where you were at the exact time."

Ni don't worry I won't let you get into any trouble.

I soon shoot up from my seat with my apologetic statement, "it's my fault, you see Niall's my best friend and I may of-" before I could finish my statement Louis butted in with his firm announcement, "I accidentally told him, I'm sorry."

"Brooklyn please leave, I need to speak to Louis alone." Louis' manager glared up at me as I was still standing.

I looked down at Louis then back to the manager to tell him it was actually me but Louis took hold on my hand to stop me, "I'll meet you outside."

"But-" before I could finish he cut me of by saying "please."

I hesitated before I left the room. It felt so wrong to let Louis take all the blame when it was actually all me.

I paced back and forth nervously with my crutches waiting for Louis.

A few minutes later the door burst open revealing a smug Louis, "you own me. I took the blame. He would've shouted at you and I don't want him to yell at my sweet Brooky boo." He sarcastically stated as he pulled me into a side hug as I mumbled my response within his arms, "I could take it."

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