What should our first book be about?

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Description: Our very smart convo about the book...enjoy! 

-Hare: hey hatter we have to discuss the book

-Hatter: (the page that I just ripped from my notebook looks like shit) yeah I know we have to write our book but first...LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!!!( I'm such a badass)

-Hare: no you are not, you can't even take a photo from your phone 

-Hatter: is not MY fault my phone is crap, my mom gave it to me 

-Hare: ok, BOOK

-Hatter: oki bookie cookie hookie  wtf-kie? (this convo should be in the book let's make it weirder!)

-Hare:  I don't think that's possible 

-Hatter: yass it iss!

-Hare: No it's not  

*we kept doing that for 15min*

Hare: I think is weird inof now

Hatter: yup now is sooo much weirder!! :D  

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