Chapter 1. Class 1-A

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A/n: here is your daily meme

Bakugou's P.o.v.

I heard All Might yell to the students to come downstairs. Why the hell does All-fucking-Might need us at 3 in the morning?! I was about to sleep futher until redhead bashed trough the door.

"Hey bakugou! You coming?" He said as i nearly fell of my fucking bed. "Why the hell are you in my fucking room?!" I tried to stand again until the fucking redhead grabbed my hand and already started to lead me out of my room. I didn't bother to struggle so i let it slide, i wanted to go get some food anyway.

When we were standing in a line before All Might he began speaking "Hello there students and good morning to you too!" Everyone groaned including me. This fucker..."So i called you down here to introduce you to your new classmate!" As he said that he pushed a small boy with white hair towards us as the bird on his shoulder nearly fell off. He had some kind of choker around his neck but it was made out of metal. Everyone gasped while I was yawning, I just wanna fucking sleep.

~Max P.o.v.~

As some of the students gasped and some looked at me, two boys didn't seem to really care that much. One of them walked to the kitchen and the other one kept standing there with a boring face. I was glad they ignored me because i don't like all the attention on me, it's embarrising.

"Omg!! He's so cute!" A pink haired girl jumped towards me as she pinched one of my cheeks. "Awww his cheeks are really soft too! They're like marshmellows!" "Oh wanna feel!" "Oh me2!" As all the girls ran towards me i got scared, i felt like a cornerd animal. I steped back as i held my head in my hands.

"Hey! Can't you see the boy isn't having it? Just leave him fucking alone" the boy came back from the kitchen as he pushed the girls aside and grabbed my arm as he dragged me out of the crowd. "Awww but--" "No buts! Just leave him fucking alone" he said as he glared at all the girls.

They all looked at the ground as they were sorry for what they did. "We are sorry euhm.." "Max.." "We are sorry Max" they all said as they bowed. "I-it doesn't m-matter" the boy who held my arm was already gone as all the girl began speaking again.

"Oh and my name is Mina by the way! If you have any problems just come to me!" The girl with pink hair chirped happily. "My name is Uraraka!" "Oh and I am Kirishima!" And so on and on.

As we all walked towards the couch All Might had already left, and everyone started to tell somethings about theirselves. As all the students said their name and quirk i felt really tired, it was hard to just keep my eyes open. I yawned and everyone looked at me, i quickly apologiesed as i stood up and stood before everyone, as beak sat on the couch watching me. "M-my quirk is being a h-hybrid" i took of my shirt and showed them my wings. But when i saw that they weren't looking at my wings i noticed they saw the state my body was in. I paniced as i quickly trew my shirt back on and ran upstairs with Beak following close behind.

As i catched my breath from walking up here i noticed a few rooms lined up as i went down the hall. Most of them had name tags on them exept for one. I stopped before the door with no name tag and looked at the doors next to them. When i looked i saw that the one on the right has the name tag 'Todoroki Shouto" and the other one "Bakugou Katsuki". I tought i heard the names already but i already forgot who they belonged to. I just shrugged it off as i went into the room before me. I opend the door to reveal a bed and a desk against the wall. There was also a small kitchen as i looked better into the room. I stepped inside and let Beak sit on my shoulder. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the bed.

Beak flew off my shoulder onto the bed as he nuzzled into the pillow. I was about to do the same but i heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opend it only to see a boy with a wide grin and red spiky hair. "Hey Max! Why did you just suddenly run off? Everyone is worried" I looked at him as i was trying to come up with an excuse. "W-well...I...I--" the door next to mine opend and the ash blond haired boy stepped out. "Could y'all just shut the fuck up?!" I got scared at the sudden anger and quickly closed my door.

As i walked away from the door i could hear Kirishima call my name, i just ignored it and went back to my closet. As i took off my shirt i examind my scars, that were placed on several parts of my body. As i was about to take of my shorts i could hear an explosion coming from my door.

As i looked at the direction i could see my door was blown out of it's spot and a angry blond boy standing there. I could feel my cheecks burn as he walked inside. I quickly grabbed my shirt and tried putting it on, only to be stopped by a hand. "Where the hell are those scars from?"

Yeet, here ya go people heheheh hopa ya liked it :)) see ya in the next chapter yayyay

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