Part 2... (15+)

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(Shinoa's POV)

I ran into a room. I didn't know what room but a room.

"Shinoa? What's up? Why do you look scared?" Someone asks while moving towards me. I turn to see it was Yuu.

"Hey Yuu-Chan.." I say before nervously giggling.

"What's wrong?" He had seemed to have gotten closer.

"I umm... Kimizuki wants to know what's bothering me. I know you know. *sighs* This is kind of annoying that I am having to run from him." I say while looking outside.

"Yeah. Of course it's annoying. It's Telephone Pole."

I look at him, "Why do you call Kimizuki Telephone Pole?"

"Because he's annoying and tall. And tall people think they are stronger." Yuu answers.

I turn back to check if Kimizuki is there and say, "They do?"

"Well that's what I think. And it's to the people who are taller than me cause I am average size." He says while walking closer to be nosey.

I see Kimizuki and fly backwards while closing the door slightly. Me and Yuu had seemed to fall from how fast I moved from seeing Kimizuki. I close my eyes while we fall.

I open my eyes when we are on the floor. My heart racing, my face a deep red. I stay in his chest so he doesn't realise my burning hot, scarlet red face.

"Are you ok, Shinoa?" He says while getting up and feeling me clinging on to him. "Shinoa? Why are you clinging on to me?"

"Umm-" I start saying but get interupted by him pushing me to see my face.

"Ooooh. You're blushing deeply. Ok." I get pulled into an embrace, "Lets stay like this for a bit. It's comfortable.."

My eyes widen and I push him back. "N-No."

"*sigh* Shinoa. It's obvious you have a crush on me so I don't see the problem."

"W-What if we get caught by someone?"

"So?" He seemed clueless.

"Well... I don't want to be caught and seen in a non teasing self."

"Are you that worried?"

"...Yeah..." I say while blushing.

"Heh.. I can lock the door."

"True. Wait... this is a hospital room."


"You sneaky bastard." I say.

He goes to lock the door and walks back. He sits on the chair near the window and looks at me. I go up to him and cuddle him with my legs separated with his in between my legs. I feel his dick get an erection. "Yuu?" I say, blushing.


"You got an erection.."

"I know.." He says while squeezing me and goes to my ear and says with a voice filled with lust, "You wanna help me fix that?"

I blush even more. "I uhh...You pervert!!"

"Shh... what if Telephone Pole is at the door?"

"I uhh.. *sighs* fine. What do I have to do?"

"Well... *blushes deeper* you need to suck my dick."

I blush even deeper. "O-Ok." My hands travel towards his trousers, showing his massive erection. He saw my reaction and said, "Do you like it?" I didn't answer. I started to massage his cock with my hands and I heard a 'hurry' from his mouth. I leaned down and sucked his penis. He put his hand on my head and started pushing it down and pulling it up. I gagged a bit since my mouth wasn't as big as his dick.

A few minutes later he had come in my mouth. When I had pulled away my mouth was sore and covered with extra spurm. He smirked and wiped the extra spurm and licked my sore mouth.


Yuu pulled his pants up and Shinoa suggested to jump out the window concidering my room was in the first floor. He agreed, but he seemed worried. Not long had I got out of the window. He closed it and turned around to open the door.

(No one's POV) (With Yuu)

Yuu opened the door looking like he just woke up. "What? I wanted some piece and quiet but you woke me up by shouting."

"Oh really? Where's Shinoa?" Kimizuki asked.

"I haven't seen her."

Kimizuki checked the room. "Can I go to sleep now?" Yuu asked.

"*sighs* Fine." He leaves straight away annoyed.

Hah! You don't know! Yuu thought.

𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔥 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔡-The Couple {Yuunoa}Where stories live. Discover now