it's good to be home

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group chat - haz, cam, tom, harry, sam

haz: cam...
cam: yessss ?

haz: your instagram post

cam: what about it ?

tom: where are you brown ??

cam: on a plane holland

sam: yes but where to ?

cam: oh,right

haz: so are you gonna tell us ?

cam: yes, be patient! god, let                     me type :)

tom: ughhhh tell us already

cam: it's really nothing

harry: we don't care just say

cam: and what if i don't

tom: i'll kill you :)

cam: how ?? you dipshit

tom: i have my ways , you asshole

haz: stop trying to change the subject cameron !!

cam: okay okay jeez don't get
your nickers in a twist !! 😂😏

harry: fgs just answer our question

haz: are you coming back to england ??

cam: oh sorry , is that what
you thought ? i wish i was ,
really . but no i'm just flying
back to croatia with the set
for a couple days :(

harry: oh 😕

sam: ugh you're so mean ☹️

haz: way to make us sad !!

tom: i can't believe you got our hopes up brownie :(

cam: sorry my loves :(
cam: anyway i gotta go my
flights landing

tom: bye darling ✌🏼

harry: bye cam 🤙🏼

sam: bye :(

haz: hope to see you soon ❤️

cam: fingers crossed yeah ❤️

______end of conversation_______

cam laughed at her friends reaction to her text messages
"so gullible" she chuckled to herself. she put her phone away and leaned her head against the seat turning to look out the window as the plane landed. she clutched onto the arm of the seat tightly, letting out a hard sigh of panic due to her fear of landing.

she grabbed the loose luggage that was scattered in the compartment above where she sat and headed towards the exit. pulling out her phone, she read a text from her friend ...
robyn: hey, i'm so excited to see you !!! have you got off yet ??

cam: yeah i'm on my way !!

robyn: yipeeee !! see you soon baby girl 😂xx

cameron brownWhere stories live. Discover now