hold on

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"hi, nice to meet you! i can't wait to work with you" tom hiddleston said offering a hand out for cam to shake. she shook his hand and took a seat on the private jet.
"hey, thanks again for letting me come with you to america and it's honestly such an honour to be working with you all." cam said after greeting both tom hiddleston and benedict cumberbatch.
"we're looking forward to it and no worries! you should be thanking tom, i mean he did bring you here" benedict said pointing to cam's best friend. he smiled at her walking over to sit with cam.
"well then, cheers holland" she smirked making him grin.
"no problem brown" he replied.

time skip- less than an hour away from la.

the four friends had got to know each other better in the 9 hour trip from london to la. it was only cameron's second time going to america and la so she was still nervous as she didn't know the place well at all.
"oh cam, how was the premiere for your last movie? that was in la, wasn't it? and might i say i loves the film!" hiddleston asked as cameron turned her head from the window.
"thanks! it was fantastic, a real dream come true" her smile widened with every word, "yeah it was in la, that was my first time coming to america."
"oh really. wow so this is only your second time! did your family go with you?" benedict asked excitedly. cameron looked over to tom with a worried look on her face- the thoughts of leaving her family flooding her mind again. he walked over to his close friend placing an arm over her shoulder making her feel comforted.
"her family's a bit of a touchy subject. she loves them too much it panics her." he smiled politely at benedict and hiddleston.
"oh i'm sorry, i know it must be hard for a young lass like you to leave them quite often so suddenly." ben smiled reassuringly.
"yeah. it's all just happened so fast, one minute my mum was driving me to my auditions and next i'm flying around to countries i've never even been to and i'm all on my alone. i hope she isn't worried about me-" she began talking really fast and tom squeezed her hand calming her down.
"awe sweetheart, it'll get better. your family must be so proud of you!" hiddleston said giving an annoyed to cumberbatch for mentioning the subject.
"why don't you text them?" tom suggested letting go of her hand.
"yeah, okay." she looked up and smiled at tom and then to the others,
"sorry for being so emotional. i'm not even on my period yet." she laughed along with the others.

cam: hi mum, how's things at home??x

mum❤️: hey lovely, everything's good- missing you though. i sent daisy and jacob to the shops to get cake mix. nanas here with me cooking dinner and when the others get back we're gonna do some baking. how about you hun?xx

cam: ooooo sounds exciting! have fun making a mess in the kitchen :) oh and then cleaning that mess 😂. i'm alright just feeling a little homesick- missing you all at home or it could be cause i'm still on the plane and worried about when we land❤️

mum❤️: aha it's a shame you can't be here to bake with us bUt you have big things coming your way ;) don't worry about landing darling, tom will be there to help you anyway love. ❤️

cam: yeah i knowwww. he's already helping me feel less sad about leaving you guys so soon again. :( xxx

mum❤️: good but stop worrying about us and think about all the great things you're gonna do in america. you could go to friggin new york if you wanted to oh shit i'm jealous!!

cam: hehehe, i love you! talking to you has made me 100 times happier!! i love youuu mummm 💘❤️

mum❤️: i'm happier to know you're safe and well. i love you more cammy and know that we ALL send our love to ya ❤️❤️

cam: anddd i send all my love to aLL of youuuu💘❤️ ps i love you more:)

mum❤️: of course! and no that's impossible love you munchkin❤️ now get your ass off your phone and socialise with your friends. xxx

cam: ughhhh okay, love you❤️ oh and tom says hi xx

mum❤️: tell him i said hi too but i got to go before your nan burns the house down lmao❤️❤️

cam: okayyyy byeeeee 💘❤️
—————end of conversation—————

"mum says hi to you all!" cameron giggled turning her phone off.
"do you feel better love??" hiddleston asked and she nodded her head.
"sorry" benedict smiled.
"what are you sorry for, you didn't do anything" cam smiled politely.
"well you know us brits, we say sorry way too much." he laughed back.
"mhm too true, i mean i am one after all" cameron laughed back.
*attention, we will be landing in 5 minutes*
cam shifted around in her seat in discomfort as she hated landing.
"it'll be okay love, i'm here! just, hold on" tom said a smile growing on his face. she smiled back at him and nodded her head trying not to breath heavily.
"you alright cameron?" hiddleston asked kindly. cam froze for a second and replied,
"um yeah kind of."
"she's afraid of landing" tom interrupted smiling cockily.
"why are you being so cocky?"  cam asked him confused.
"whatever do you mean?" he winked at her confused facial expression. the plane started to land and cameron's breathing picked up. tom grabbed her hand reassuringly making her jump at first but she felt calmer. she looked out the window until tom coughed as for her to look at him. she did so and looked him in the eyes.
"what" she asked annoyed at him for distracting her. he smiled and said,
"calm down, it'll be fine. just look at me and not at what's going on." she shook her head still worried about the landing. she squeezed his hand hard due to her panic.
"what are we gonna tell haz and harry when they get here? ooo we could prank them." he said trying to distract her from the plane. she smiled and calmed down. the plane slowed down as it reached the ground. she let out a sigh of relief
"phew, it's over. thanks tom" she smiled as she let go of his hand.
"no problem darling." he began, "but seriously can we prank haz and harry?"
an evil smirk grew on her face,
"yessss!!!" they both laughed standing up ready to get off the plane.
"well shall we go?" hiddleston asked. everyone nodded back at his question.
"our luggage will be collected by the people who work here and we'll just have to pick it up." benedict smiled to tom and cameron.
"okay. and by the way cam, the paparazzi will be here so prepare for bright flashes." tom smiled wearily to cameron.
"okay, let's go!" she smiled walking out the plane. she texted her family and friends saying that her and tom had landed safely.

cameron brownWhere stories live. Discover now