No I'm The Top!

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(this idea was given by @perry305 so thank you!)

Jeremy was suddenly feeling a strange tingle in his body as he sat and watched the Squip lay on his bed. the sudden urge to go over and lay on top of him washed over Jeremy. Squip sat up and stared right at Jeremy. stop looking at me.

"but i can't... i'm finding myself wanting to kiss you right now." Jeremy licked his lips trying to look sexy.

wow awesome just go jack off in the bathroom and leave me alone.

"but Squip..." Jeremy said walking over to the bedside, "don't you want me?" he pouted.

no i don't, now fuck off.

Jeremy got up on the Squip and straddled his lap. "are you sure."

you know i can tell your trying to be irresistible and its not working.

"bitch!" Jeremy mumbled.

but you know what would be better... Squip grabbed Jeremy and pinned him on the mattress... if i was in control.

"no no no no no! this isn't going to work. i'm a top! let me on top!" Jeremy whined

Jeremy you've had sex twice, with a girl. it's different with guys. let me show you how it's done. he leaned down to nibble on Jeremy's neck.

"STOP. i'm a top, you can be a bottom. i can prove it, after we're done you won't even question being a bottom ever again."

Squip sat up and stared at Jeremy confused. fine if you say so, do your worst. he stuck his tongue out at Jeremy and winked.


"ok i gotta admit now that were actually stationed and naked i feel intimidated." Jeremy stared at skip waiting for a response but he just rolled his eyes. "do we need a cond.."

Jeremy i'm a freaking Super Quantum Unit Intel processor, do you think we need a condom?


no! god Jeremy i don't even know why i'm going through with this.

"so umm i'm just going to," Jeremy tried to stick his dick in the Squip's hole but Squip sat up quickly.

Jeremy you are so pathetic. you can't just cut to the chase. you gotta foreplay a little, you know so i actually feel turned on. Squip crossed his arms.

"what do i do?"

god Jeremy! what do you think?

"ok let me see."

Jeremy crawled to Squip and started to kiss his jaw starting from his ear to his chin. he moved up and nibbled at his lips before fully kissing him. Squip grabbed Jeremy's hair and pulled him closer. he let his tongue slip in to explore the new mouth. Jeremy started to trail kisses along Squip's neck. but then he stopped.

"what now."

oh my god that was only like 30 seconds.

"wasn't that enough?"

ok whatever lets just get this over with.

"so do i just stick it in"


"don't we need lube?"

just spit on it.

"ew! no that's gross i could get infected."

Jeremy you'll be fine.

Jeremy collected some spit in his mouth before shooting it out, it missed his dick and hit the bed instead. oh my god.. Squip muttered. he effortlessly spit in his hand and rubbed it on Jeremy's cock.


i feel so stupid for asking but do you need help inserting?

"pshh no! that's easy." Jeremy stared straight at Squip and attempted to push it in, but it missed going to the side. "umm that was on purpose." this time he lined it up with his hand and tried to push it in again but like last time, he missed.

if i had a nickel for every time you missed... i'm surprised that your still hard, i lost it months ago.

"dude just shut up! i'm trying my best and now that you mention it i'm starting to get soft." Jeremy sighed in frustration.

you know what.. how about we just stop, clearly you don't know what your doing.

"wait just give me a second chance!"

I've already walked you through everything! I've given you a second chance. go watch gay porn and then we'll see about trying again. Squip stared at Jeremy blankly. now i'm going back in your to be by myself for a little bit.

he faded away leaving Jeremy alone.

"you know this could have worked."

Jeremy shut up.

Jeremy x Squip Oneshots (very graphic)Where stories live. Discover now