The Hurt

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We all sat around Dakota's unconscious body until it's almost dark, just hoping that he would wake up.

His eyes open and we all sigh with relief.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Kermit, your leg got crushed by a meteor, and we had to amputate it," Ty says in a calm voice.

"What?" Dakota says looking at his legs.

"I'm really sorry," Ty says.

"What is that? " Dakota asks pointing to the prosthetic.

"It will make it to where you can walk," Tyler says.

"Help me up please," Dakota says reaching his hand out.

Jason grabs his hand and gently pulls him up.

Dakota takes a small step and almost falls, but Ty catches him.

"Go slow," I say.

He takes a few more steps and he doesn't stumble.

He picks up and almost runs.

"Woah calm down," Tyler laughs.

Dakota walks back over to us.

"This is so cool!" He yells.

"Calm down," Jason whispers.

The sun had completely set, and we had to set up camp once again.

Jerome no longer had his tent, so he would have to sleep on the ground with the rest of us.

Ty and Preston were on watch tonight. Jason layed down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. I practically passed out.

I sit in almost complete darkness. The only thing visible is Tyler.

He is screaming, but everything is silent. I try to scream back, but nothing comes out. I then feel a sharp pain in my back. I look down at my chest and a blade is sticking out. It slides out and I fall to the ground. A person stands over me. Jason. He's holding the bloody sword that stabbed me.

"Why?" I manage to say.

"People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, that you have to be wary of," he says with an evil grin.

Everything fades to black.

"Piper! " Mitch screams shaking my lifeless body.

"Piper!" He screams.

My eyes open up and I'm met by the familiar blue eyes.

"She's awake, we gotta get going, " Jason says.

"Get the fuck off of me," I say pushing him off of me.

"What's wrong?" He says standing up.

"Piper are you okay?" Tyler runs up and kneels beside me.

"He stabbed me!" I yell.

"What are you talking about Piper?" Jason asks confused.

"You fucking stabbed me in the damn chest and left me to die!" I scream.

"Piper, it was dream. Your okay, Jason didn't hurt you," Tyler says.

"What?" I ask.

"It was dream baby. I would never hurt you," Jason says.

Tyler grabs my hand and helps me up.

"Are you okay now, Piper?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"We gotta go," Jerome says.

"Cmon guys, " Jordan says.

We all follow Jordan.

Jason stays beside me the whole time.

"Piper what happened in your dream?" He asks.

"I kinda don't want to talk about it right now," I reply.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he says.

"It's fine," I say.

He reaches his hand over for me to take it, but I don't.

"Piper it was a dream, you know I'd never hurt you," he whispers.

"I know, " I reply.

"Then what's wrong?" He asks.

I really didn't know. I was pissed at Jason for absolutely no reason. He didn't hurt me, nor would he ever, but I blame him, for something that didn't even happen.

"I don't know," I say.

He doesn't say anything else.

"Stop," Jordan says.

"What?" Dakota asks.

"Do you guys hear that?" Jordan asks.

"Yeah I do," Ty says.

"So do I," Jerome says.

I listen carefully and I hear it too.

The electric sound from my dream.

"I had a dream about this," I say and everyone turns to me.

"You had a dream about this?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, over here under some leaves is a electric cable," I say walking over to the leaves.

Everyone looks at me like I'm insane.

I separate the leaves and reveal the cable.

Tyler runs over to me.

"A cable?" He says very confused.

"Yeah, follow me," I say.

They all slowly follow me.

We follow it until we meet the wall.

"An invisible wall?" Jerome asks.

"Force field, " Tyler says.

"Give me your knife Jerome," I say.

"Why?" He replies.

"Please Jerome, " I say and he hands me the knife.

"Piper be careful, " Jason warns.

"I promise," I say.

I place the knife to the cable, but I'm interupted.

An arrow is shot straight through Caterina and she falls to the ground.

We all look up.

"Well, well, well. What the hell do we have here?" Mitch asks with a devilish smile.

~Author Note ~

Sorry for the chapter being short :(

I have to take my drivers permit test today so I didn't have much time to write, and I kinda wanted to end the chapter like that anyway.

Hope you enjoyed and BYE

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