The Trust

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We all sit there in shock, my mouth sat wide open.

"Are you guys okay?" Lachlan asks.

"How? How is he alive? It's impossible, " I say.

"What do you mean?" Tyga asks.

"We killed him in the games," I reply.

"Revival," Seto says.

"Huh?" Tyler replies.

"Have you never heard of it? TheCapitol has technology to bring people back to life, " he explains.

"Wow," Tyler says in awe.

"Why would they do that?" Jordan asks.

"Because he hates us," I say.

"Makes sense," Dakota adds.

"They're after us," I hear Adam say under his breath.

"What are we gonna do?" Jordan freaks out.

"We sleep tonight, and tommorrow we book it to 12 tomorrow," Tyler explains.

"Hey guys," Lachlan starts.

"Yes Lachlan? " I reply.

"Can I come with you guys?" He asks.

"You want to go with them?" Vikk asks confused.

"Yes," he replies.

"That would be great if you came with us," Tyler replies.

"Me too," Seto says.

"Your just going to up and leave? We've been here all our lives, and your just gonna leave?" Vikk says.

"Exactly we've lived here are all lives, and we will forever, if we don't go now," Seto says.

"I want in," Tyga says.

Vikk's eyes widen.

"Come on Vikk," Tyga says.

"We're just gonna leave our whole life behind?" Vikk asks.

"We're not leaving our life behind, we're just starting a new chapter of it, so please," Tyga says.

He stands there for a moment.

"I..I guess I'm in," Vikk finally says.


"Okay so we'll leave in the morning," Tyler says.

"Sounds good," Tyga says.

"Welcome to the B-Team," Jason laughs.

"Thanks," Tyga replies.

"Everyone get some rest," Tyler says, and everyone heads off to a room in the house.

"Good night, " Tyler says leaving the living room.

"Good night," I reply.

I walk towards the door, and I step outside.

(A/N why is Piper always going outside? Like what's her deal?)

The stars were shining bright, and the moon was full.

I sit there staring at the beautiful sky, and the door opens behind me.

"Hi Jason," I say.

He sits down beside me, but it's not Jason.

"I'm not Jason," he says.

I could tell by his voice, it was Adam.

"Sorry," I apologize.

"It's fine," he replies.

We stay silent for a while.

"Piper, can I ask you something? " He asks.

"Sure," I reply.

"Do you trust me?" He whispers.

I don't say anything for a minute.

"I don't know yet," I reply.

"It's was all an act Piper, " he replies.

"How can I beleive that Adam?" I ask.

"I have no way to prove it to you, but I'm not really like that. That was the only way I could get Mitch's trust," Adam whispers.

"I don't know Adam," I say.

"Was you hating Jason an act? Or is this little love story your living one?" He asks.

I don't answer.

"See, we all change Piper. You started off hating him, and now you love him. At least mine was all an act," he says.

I feel my face heat up with rage, but I quickly calm down, before I do something I'll regret.

"I was mostly acting," I say.

"You weren't always acting. I know that you choked him, I saw that bruise you left on him. That wasn't acting, you may seem sweet Piper, but on the inside your just as cruel as Mitch, but your just better at hiding it," he says.

~Author Note ~

Sorry for no chapter yesterday, and a short one today.

I just didn't have time today or yesterday to write. So I'm sorry.

But I hoped you enjoyed anyway and BYE!

I'm watching The Lego Movie EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! Don't judge me :P

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