Ending Author Note

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Well hello beautiful people :)

Wow didn't ever think I would be typing this, because about my fourth chapter I just stopped writing, I felt that it didn't have an audience so I just gave up.

But then I got a message from SilverSparks11 and she wanted me to continue so I said why not and made it up to this point. So special thanks to Silver Sparks.

I would also like to thank my moldy orgasm Bookcorner, you threatened me on multiple occasions, and I would like to thank you for that.

I would like to thank _read_sleep_game, you helped me with the last few chapters of the book, and I really needed the help so thank you so much! You deserved the dedications so no arguing!

I would like to thank all of you people who read the story from beginning to end! That takes dedication!

We reached about 2500 last time I checked, because every time I go to look it shows up 0 reads so idk.

I honestly can't thank you guys enough for all the love and support its just so amazing! I never thought in a million years that it would get that far!

I've been thinking about staring a new story in the future, but I don't know just don't know yet. So I guess we'll just have to see.

Thank you guys so much, each and everyone of you! I love all of you more than you can even imagine!

I hope you all enjoyed this was such an amazing journey! I love you all and BYE!

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