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"Hey Tae, can you go do these laundries for mommy?" Tae's mom asked with a warm smile. Tae nodded and grabbed the basket full of dirty laundry.

He went out to the nearest laundry place.

But he paused and went to ask Kookie if we wanted to go. It was Christmas in two days, he wanted to do everything with Kookie these weeks. He wanted every moment to last, and never end.

He skipped to his house. He knocked on the door, later to he opened with a fully wrapped Kookie. "Yes Tae?" Kookie Asked

"Wanna go to the laundry place with me?"

"Y-yeah sure" Kookie grabbed the shoes and left with Tae.

They finally arrived, the place was full of white, yellow and orange. A wall of a landscape, the laundry machines in a copper color...

It was indeed unique.

Tae went to the laundry machine, put the coin and started to do the laundry. Tae then waited, he put his hands in his pockets and turned to Kookie. "So what's up?" Tae did a wide smile. Kookie looked at him with a shy look. Tae back hugged him "why so shy all of a sudden~?"

Kookie started to blush "I am?"

"Yes kookie. Yes!" Tae giggled

"No I'm not!" Kookie tried to hide his blush.

"pFF!" Tae laughed "You're so adorable!"

Kookie rolled his eyes, sat down on the mini bench and started to read a magazine. Tae joined in and laid his head on his shoulder. They were the only ones here. Completely empty, silence filled the room. Tae read along with Kookie.

Tae shifted and sat up straight "what are you gonna do for Christmas?" He gave a warm smile.

Kookie looked at him and did his bunny smile. Tae forgot how to breathe at the sight. "Hang out with you!" Tae blushed a little and looked down "that's so sweet!"

Kookie put his hand on Tae's thigh

"I will always be with you! No matter if I'm angry, sad, busy, sleeping...I'll be there for you!" Kookie have a warm bunny smile.

If only They knew that won't last for long...

Crystal Heart | Vkook FF | First Book in the "heart" series Where stories live. Discover now