It's Just Sparring

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"Ugh, I've really gotta work on my mobility," Kirishima said as he closed his locker. "Hey man, think you could help me out?" he asked as he turned toward Bakugou with a broad smile. "We could have a rematch of the sports festival!"

They were in the changing rooms getting out of their costumes after training. Bakugou had seen everyone in the class without much clothing and it wasn't like Kirishima was covered much with his costume on anyway. So why did he feel like he had to avert his eyes when Kirishima asked if they could train together?

Probably because he stood so damn close, he was the only one who dares to touch him. "Tch, whatever, just know I'm gonna win," Bakugou replied.

"Awesome, man, thanks! We can go to the training room tonight if you want," Kirishima said, bouncing on his feet.

"I said whatever, Shitty Hair."

The training room was empty when they got there, all the other students having left for the night. He liked the thought of having the room to themselves, it meant they could use their quirks as much as they wanted.

"I'm taking off my shirt so you don't blast it to pieces, ok?" Kirishima said to Bakugou's retreating back.

They walked toward the centre of the room and Kirishima crouched low, bringing his fists up in front of his face.

He had been working on hardening isolated body parts rather than keeping his whole body hard like in the sports festival. With all his new training, he thought he might actually have a chance.

He could sense the change in Bakugou, his fists coming up as his face morphed into his cocky fighting grin, brows low over his eyes. His face that promised violence.

Kirishima immediately took the offensive and charged toward him. Bakugou was ready and aimed a blast straight at his left ribs, opening with a big right hook.

Kirishima hardened his side in time for the blast to do little damage. "That won't work on me, Explosion Boy!" Kirishima laughed.

Bakugou smirked, "That's what you said last time, Red. I know you've been working on your quirk but your mobility really sucks".

Bakugou blasted into the air and behind Kirishima before he had time to move with him. He aimed a blast at the middle of Kirishima's back, sending him surging forward. Before he could react, Bakugou was in front of him again and aimed an upper cut to Kirishima's jaw.

Kirishima hardened his face in time and pounded into Bakugou's stomach, landing a few solid hits. He could tell one of them must have hurt by Bakugou's grunt.

They stumbled apart for a second to catch their breath but Bakugou launched back into it yelling, "I'll end you!"

Bakugou blasted into the air again and surged behind him but Kiri was ready for him that time. He pivoted and landed another solid hit to Bakugou's side. Bakugou was quick though, he retaliated by grabbing Kirishima's arm and throwing him onto his back.

In that moment he thought of how Deku had done the same to him during their training. He was not copying that damn nerd!

Then he was falling, Kirishima had used his second of lost focus to use his strength and bring him down with him.

Bakugou shook his head to clear it but realised his mistake all too late, Kirishima had pinned him to the ground and was straddling his torso. They were both breathing hard.

"That was pretty good, asshole," Bakugou conceded.

Kirishima grinned, "Thanks man, but it looked like you got distracted so I don't feel like I actually won, wanna rematch tomorrow?" He was looking down at Bakugou who was still pinned under him as he spoke.

Bakugou tensed as his eyes ran down the boy sitting on him from his ridiculous red hair down his chest and hard abs to the band of his underwear that was showing at the top of his sweats.

He became acutely aware of just how close they were and how much of Kirishima's body was pressing into his.

The thumping of his heart started to drown out his laboured breathing. "Whatever, just get your sweaty ass off me," he said, breaking the tension.

Kirishima jumped up, quickly apologising. He jogged over to pull his shirt on, trying to hide the ridiculous blush from forming on his cheeks as he did.

They trained almost every night for the next week. Kirishima came close but was never able to pin Bakugou down again. He was getting much better at positioning his body to evade Bakugou's ruthless attacks though.

But today, Kirishima's attacks were slow, as if he was thinking of something else. "Stop wasting my time or I'll kill you!" Bakugou yelled as he easily blasted Kirishima for the fourth time.

"Sorry man, I guess I've just got a lot on my mind today," Kirishima was able to choke out once the smoke had cleared.

"What?" asked Bakugou.

"Well you know how we have that test on hero laws coming up?"

Bakugou grunted in acknowledgment, the test was two days away.

"Well I'm so bad at stuff like that, and I'm really worried I won't do well. You know I was fifteenth on the midterms, I just don't wanna do worse than that. You were third weren't you? I was thinking maybe you could help me out?" Kirishima looked a little sheepish.

Bakugou knew he didn't need to prepare for the test but figured helping Kirishima would only help his own revision and it wasn't like he had anything better to do. "Fine, but you had better do well, it better be worth my time".

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