Inconvenient Timing

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Bakugou had gotten strangely used to Kirishima's presence during their week together so he was eager to see him on Monday morning. Not that he would admit that to anyone.

Their classes seemed to go by slowly until lunch, where he sat closer than usual to Kirishima so their thighs brushed against each other and his arm bumped Kiri's when he ate.

Their friends made comments on it but Bakugou just met them with a glower and Kirishima laughed them off happily.

Once they had eaten a quick dinner, they were finally alone in Kirishima's room.

He pushed Bakugou onto the bed and slipped his hands under his shirt and caressed his muscled stomach as his tongue traced patterns over his neck.

Bakugou's hands had moved down to Kirishima's belt and had started to undo it when they were interrupted by a light knock on the door.

"Kiri?" They heard Mina's voice float through to them.

Bakugou groaned, "Your friends have the most fucking inconvenient timing. Can I convince you to ignore her?" But he already knew Kirishima would never ignore one of his friends and had already moved back.

Kirishima chuckled as he opened the door enough to poke his head out. "What's up, Mina?"

Mina giggled and took in the state of him. "Ah, well, the squad was going to watch a movie in my dorm and wanted to know if you and Bakugou wanted to join. I guess that's if you weren't busy." Her eyes flicked up to his messy hair as she said the last part.

Kirishima realised how he must look and smiled ruefully. "Ah, yeah that sounds good. Give me like ten minutes?"

"See you soon," she sing songed as she headed back toward her room.

Kirishima shut the door and turned back to Bakugou who had seemed to compose himself quickly while Kirishima talked. "The squad?" he asked dryly.

Kirishima beamed. "It's the name we have for everyone who eats at our table. Denki, Sero, Mina and me, and you too."

"Whatever, we going?" Bakugou returned.

Kirishima's smile got even bigger than it was as he nodded.

"My god, it's so fucking pink," Bakugou grumbled as he entered after Kirishima. Kiri just snorted back. There were only two spots left in Mina's dorm, one on the floor against the bed and the other on a pink chair in the corner. Bakugou was disappointed he wouldn't get to sit next to his boyfriend but he went to sit in the chair anyway while Kirishima happily sat on the floor.

Bakugou started to get bored halfway through the movie because it was one he'd already seen so he pulled out his phone. He opened his camera and realised there was just enough light where he was sitting to get a semi clear picture. He snapped a picture of his face and sent it to Kirishima 'I didn't know you could sit still for so long' he wrote with it.

He looked over toward Kirishima who had flopped onto his stomach, resting on his elbows. Bakugou could see a little of the side of his face and watched as he fished his phone out of his pocket.

He caught the slight smile on his face as he read the message. He looked down at his screen and could see Kirishima was typing. His phone buzzed as just text came through 'Same! It's a good movie though that's why! I'm usually squirming all over the place'.

Bakugou suppressed the huff of laughter that Kirishima's message brought on and typed back a reply, snapping another picture of his face 'I like it when you squirm'.

He saw Kirishima put his head on his arms and watched his shoulders shake with a laugh. 'I'm pretty sure you want to blast me when I do' his reply read.

Bakugou smirked as he took another photo, Kirishima wasn't taking the bait so he decided to push his buttons a little more. The picture this time had his eyes half lidded and the text read 'I can make you squirm in a good way though'.

Bakugou watched Kirishima's eyes go wide and it took him a few extra seconds to reply, obviously choosing his words carefully. Bakugou smiled to himself, he'd made him flustered. He looked down at his phone as Kiri's response came through 'I can make you do your fair share of squirming, Kat'.

Bakugou sent a picture of his smirk 'That so?' he challenged.

Kirishima grinned this time, his competitive and flirty side rising to the challenge 'Oh I know how to make you squirm. And moan. I was planning on it before we got dragged here'.

Bakugou huffed out a quiet laugh as he read the reply and sent back an immediate response 'Later?' He didn't give Kirishima time to reply before he slumped down in his chair and took a quick video of him slowly licking his lips and sent it.

Kirishima groaned out loud and Bakugou muffled his laugh with his hand as a pillow was thrown from the bed at the back of Kirishima's head. "Would you shut up, man!?" Kaminari said. "Who are you even messaging?"

"Oh, ah, sorry, it's just my mom," Kirishima covered lamely. Luckily it was dark so no one could see the blush creeping up his face.

"Well can you not, as much as I like your mom, I'm trying to watch the movie, bro," Kaminari laughed.

Kirishima shook his head and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Of course Bakugou wouldn't get into trouble. As he lay there watching the rest of the movie he thought of how he would get him back for it.

He decided on telling Bakugou he was tired that night so there wouldn't be a 'later' after all. He knew his boyfriend got frustrated when he didn't get what he wanted and he didn't mind making his boyfriend a little frustrated.

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